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tikey's blog

Board game design process

While I can hardly call me an amateur game designer I still am a Design professional, and what got me into the hobby is my interest in the design process itself.

I've started writing down some thoughts on the subject, taking my half-baked game as a reference to talk about how I do design and specially how I've adapted my design process for boargames.

I hope it is of use for some of you, at least to get you to think about your own process and what tools and methods do you use and which one could you incorporate.

The interaction map

GBC - Interaction map 2

This map is something I've adapted from a production tool. Originally it's used to list all the components of a product and how they connect to each other. It's sort of an exploded view in mind map form and an assembly instruction all in one.

Since with my game I wanted to make special abilities something a bit more interesting than just +1 or -1 to something (I still have some of those though) I had to take a good look at how the different elements of the game interact with each other.

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by Dr. Radut