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Penguicon 4.0 -- Prototype Track Offered Again

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Joined: 08/04/2008

Howdy! Penguicon is a sci-fi / open source software / gaming / anime convention to be held at the Livonia, Michigan Holiday Inn on April 21-23, 2006. I'd really like to get some more games on the schedule, so if you're available those dates, and have a game or two that you've been eager to try, please let me know. Any type, length and level of complexity of games are welcome.

Like last year, we'll be offering a prototyping track if you'd like to get in some early testing. Last year, I had one of my games there for testing, and I think Dralius and Mike Petty (the organizers of Protospiel) had some as well. It's a good forum for getting in some early play testing before Protospiel and Pow-Wow in the summer.

The gaming rooms will be open and staffed around-the-clock, and plenty of free caffeine and food will be available, so Penguicon would be a perfect time to try out a monster game. You can find out about Penguicon and read the current gaming schedule at the following links:

Gaming Schedule:

Please contact me with any questions or with anything you'd like to run, with information similar to what's in the list. People who agree to run at least three hours of scheduled games (a piece of cake) can also talk with me about getting a discounted convention pre-registration rate. I hope to see you there!

Clark Rodeffer
CDRodeffer here on BGDF
gaming AT penguicon DOT org
Penguicon Non-Computer Gaming Chair
Roly-Poly Tablehammer Shuffleball Pope

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