The finalists have been selected for the VHS Case Challenge at The Game Crafter. Our judge will be playing the games to determine the winner. Congrats to all of our finalists and to everyone who created a new game for this contest!
Finalists Selected for the VHS Case Challenge
I never understand how people manage to RATE games when they have not tried them. There are so many Finalists with all kinds of different "Angles" and it's neat to see what the TGC community is up to.
Sometimes from a superficial position, you look at the Images and judge by the "eyes" so-to-speak... But that's usually a poor way of determining which games are BEST ... Especially when some game are more NOVEL than PRETTY.
I know this is HARD to "judge" and it takes some serious commitment to SIFT thru all the games and see what is INTERESTING (from both gameplay and appearances). I mean most ppl will probably only view like 2 or 3 games while scrolling through them and give a their approval for 1 or 2 of those games. You really need gamers who have the time to "analyze" the game for better or worst and figure out which games merit a vote (for whatever reasons make senses to that person)...
Anyways I'm glad to see that people are still raging on-wards with CONTESTS and that this "source" of inspiration continues to challenge designers with tasks that make gamers go: "Cool or Huh?"
Wishing all the Finalist a big Hoorah ... And may they all get the opportunity to put forth their best foot first (again whatever way they like be it cleverness or sexiness...)
Cheers all!
I found the list very interesting. The theme are very diversified, including VHS related theme which I did not expect. There is surprisingly a lot of solitaire game which was another surprise.
I know those games might not be as deep and solid as other games, because they were made in a hurry for a contest.
In general, I am still satisfied with the outcome.
I am not... Some of the BEST selling games on TGC are Card Game for Solo Play. Look at Deck 52:
Lots of BUYERS and the game is a SOLO game in a Mint Tin. Over 250 sales of just that one game. It's a Solo Space Dungeon Crawler (Say that two-times fast!)
And 250+ is good ... It's also got the TGC Accolade (Editor's Pick).
There are over 400+ SOLO (1-Player) games on TGC... So the genre is not yet lost on anyone! Still it's NOT the dominant game format/factor. There are a LOT of solo-compatible games too (I believe over 4,800+) and so that means that about ~10% are for SOLITARY-ONLY game play.
It's still HARD to SELL games online or in-general.
I recently read a comment on Discord about someone saying that they "LOVE" the process of designing games but that they "HATE" actually selling and bringing those games to market and because of this... Game Design will only be a HOBBY.
So there you go... I've read it once and I'm sure many other people echoed it twice or 3-times more...
Like I said, some SOLO games are popular by "TGC Standards". I WISH that I could sell 250 units of "Quest Adventure Cards(tm)" (Quest_AC)... But so far that is not the case I am around 30 games and most of that was my own purchases to shop the game around to various individuals. We'll see what may come in 2025 as I gear into making more approaches with my game and see if it can become a store staple for kids.
It's a kids game. But with really adult art (comic-book-esque) and some "core" fundamentals from the game of Gin Rummy (modeled after this card game). I know some reviewers said parents just played the game and felt like the experience was a bit disappointing. However if you compare Quest_AC to the actual game of Gin Rummy... You'll note that the game LACKS the "Take-That" action that Quest_AC offers players...
I honestly say this without any pride or prejudice ... Quest_AC is better than the "core" game of Gin Rummy. And I've played a lot of Gin Rummy in my younger years. Why(?) or How(?) can I say this??? Because 50% of the cards in Quest_AC are "Take-That" cards. How can you play Gin Rummy without them?! You'll never go back to the "core" game because it makes for more immersive gameplay when you can force a player to skip his/her turn, steal a card in-play or even cancel the effect of an Event card played AGAINST you!
Well this comment blows... Turned out to be an Ad for Quest_AC!!! Hahaha...
No seriously selling 250 copies of one game is EXCELLENT ... I personally cannot be enthused. I can't expect how poor such a translation from popularity to the lack of sales even for a game that sells 250 copies. You'd imagine that the order could higher counts making the publishing on TGC more exciting...
Unfortunately no.
Note #1: I wanted to FINISH on a POSITIVE point:
Dustrunner Sold 1614 copies and it is 100% SOLO Game. Here is the TGC Link in case you want to have a look.
It made over $30,000 USD in funding during a TGC Crowdsale... So yeah Jason is making a killing with a bunch of his NOVEL games. He's a REAL success story and is one of the pioneers on TGC. A TRUE case of "Survivorship bias"!
Merry X-Mas @larienna and congrats TGC on selling so many copies of Jason's games. He really made a killing with those last few campaigns...
I think my post was lost, or I did not click send.
Its fun to know TGC is solo friendly, at least if I make solo games, I could sell them there.
I wanted to know more about this:
Like my post said, Doing the print out and the rule books is a lot of work. But Items in the VHS competition list already have this done. So the only thing remaining is to make the game available for sale to publish it. It does not requires additional efforts.
If your idea is at a prototype step (and working), and now you want to publish it, yes there is a lot of work ahead as you need to make rules, print outs etc.
I also said that I was going to the boxing day. Managed to get 2 games at the valet. "Isle of train" which was from a designer here at the BGDF, and "3000 scoundrel" I have no idea what the game is. Much less people on the boxing day this year.
The other remark, I am going to PM you about it. It's a very local question.