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Box Wraps Are Now Available for Large Game Boxes

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The Game Crafter
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Joined: 06/09/2009
Game Box Wrap for Large Game Boxes at The Game Crafter

The Game Crafter is pleased to release new Box Wraps for our Large Game Box. The box wraps allow you to decorate more of the large game box than ever before, covering a full three sides of the box. See the attached photo or you can view the product video. The box wraps measure 10.5 x 16.5 inches on the top of the box, or 10.25 x 16.25 if you want a wrap for the bottom of the box. They cost $2.99 each.

Also as of now we are discontinuing Box Top Stickers in favor of Box Wraps. If you have a game with a box top sticker already included in the game our server will automatically convert your box top sticker to a box top wrap, and it will send you an email when it has done so, asking you to proof the new sticker or upload a replacement. This process has already begun and will continue over the next 24 hours or so.

The new wraps offer a much greater area of decoration for your game box. In addition, they address a long-standing complaint of the old box top sticker: that you couldn’t tell what the game was sitting on a shelf under a stack of other games. WIth the new box wrap you can put your branding on the sides of the box in addition to the top.
Go download the templates and get started. Enjoy!

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