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KaPOW! – Real-time battle game – Looking for theme and publishing advice?

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jclair's picture
Joined: 10/13/2011

I’ve lately been investing time in a speed game I invented a couple years ago. It’s been very well tested and very well received by play-testers. The theme I’ve been working with is a Kung Fu style battle brawl. I actually like the theme and think it fits well, however, one company that asked me to send them a prototype (Valley Games) suggested a possible issue; is the game too similar to Tasty Minstrel’s game “Jab”?

I’ve bought Jab and played it (good game by the way), and really the only similarity is 1. They are both real-time, fast hands/fast minds type games, and 2. They have a fighting theme. The game play is very different however. For example, Jab is a maximum 2 player game, where KaPOW! is best with 4 to 8 players.

I was wondering what your guys thoughts were on whether the two mentioned similarities would present me with any problems if I tried publishing KaPOW! The theme is subject to change possibly.

I’ll post the rules and some game components when I’m done my current round of edits. I’d love thoughts on those as well.

jclair's picture
Joined: 10/13/2011
No Thoughts...? I will post

No Thoughts...?

I will post the rules to the game as soon. That will give a better picture of the game, and maybe make my question more clear.

ilSilvano's picture
Joined: 07/31/2008
KaPOW! vs Jab

I think the best thing you can answer the publisher is: "I did not know Jab, I have played it, and even if it's similar for X and Y, it is very different for A, B, C and D".
Please note that Jab is not the first "real time fighting game", you should also check BRAWL by Cheapass Games (you can download the rules here:, so this is just a reusable mechanic, like majority control or auction games...

jclair's picture
Joined: 10/13/2011
Great. Thanks for the

Great. Thanks for the comment. I've done research into real-time games. The one that actually looks the most similar is a game called Dutch Blitz, and it actually isn't very similar. It's very encouraging. I hope there isn't a game I have missed.

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