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Joined: 07/15/2009

I got interested in game design far too long ago. Got hooked on science, science fiction, and chess at 10, and wargames at 12. By 15, I was designing seriously overstuffed hobby wargames and writing bad poetry about the major current event of the time - the Cuban Missile Crisis. Far, far too long ago! Gave up the poetry long ago, but couldn't let go of the design, or, more accurately, it couldn't let go of me. Some games made me design them.

Got sucked into chess variants when I retired. And while it's quite true that anyone can design a chess variant in 10 minutes, and too many people do, it's harder to design a good chess variant and still harder to design a good variant chess. Chess is the most plastic game ever invented, and it is an excellent tool for learning how to design games. I spent years at, learning about design. And then, I designed my way right out of chess variants.

Now I have a handful of games in various stages of development, some of which have been playtested extensively and have decent prototypes. So I'm here to learn and to demo, discuss and playtest games, both mine and others.

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