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I need a 5th category of encounters

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larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

It's for my Steampunk game idea inspired on Eldritch horror. Each turn, 2 type of encounters are spawned on the board adding threat to the area. Players can complete those encounter to make the game progress in their favor and remove the threat from the board.

I currently have 4 broad categories of encounters, I need a 5th one. It needs to be something that the players can solve. Something that undo the demon's objective in order to win. So far, I have the following type with possible common special effects:

Rifts: Gates to other world that spawn additional monsters and allow astra travel. Players can close those rift.

Mysteries: Suspicious activities or events occurring the area. Add a special rule to the area. Players can attempt to eradicate the source of the mystery.

Worshipers: Cultist doing rituals and other nasty things in the area. Makes other event surge more easily. Players can try to eliminate or sabotage those worshipers.

Doom/Disaster: This cannot be undone, add a special effect permanently. This is what makes the game more difficult and less repetitive over time.

Now I need a fifth one, I looked at Eldritch Horror for inspiration but could not really found anything.

Rumors: Are similar to disaster or mysteries. They are abnormal population behavior, could be hard to undo since it affects many people.

There will also have world encounters which can be explored by the players, but they do not help the demon wins.

So I am actually thinking, what else could a demon do?

They could corrupt people to do their bidding, feels very much like worshipers.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Hehehe... How about?


Artifacts could represent powerful or cursed objects imbued with demonic influence. Players might discover or interact with these artifacts throughout the game, each granting unique abilities, advantages, or challenges. Some artifacts could provide strategic benefits to players who possess them, while others might pose risks or temptations that lead to unforeseen consequences.

Introducing artifacts as a category could deepen the game's narrative and strategic elements, encouraging players to explore and interact with the game world in new ways. Artifacts could also tie into the game's lore and story, adding layers of mystery and intrigue to the overall gameplay experience.

This sounds pretty good... Some "Artifacts" can work as an advantage for the players (as stated above). Others could be "dangerous" and possess an element of negative psyche (such as Insanity, etc.) So you can use the item but in exchange, you lose Sanity... For example!

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
There are already artifacts.

There are already artifacts. They are part of the World Encounters that yield assets to upgrade characters. I need something for the demon encounters.

On BGG, somebody suggested having some sort of barriers. It can be anything that prevent the players from attempting other encounters in the area. They must clear the barrier encounter first, then they can clear other encounters.

I think I like the idea, and it's vague enough to offer different thematic possibilities.

Joined: 07/29/2008
Without knowing anything

Without knowing anything about your game except for what you have described, it's hard to figure out what you really need:

Rift = More enemies (monsters)
Mystery = Catch-all event?
Worshipers = More enemies (humans)
Doom/Disaster = Permanent disability

If the limitation is what a demon could do and what could be solved...

I dunno... Corruption? Temptation? Trickery? Sabotage? You could introduce more enemies in the form of animals (The Birds! Pack of wolves; A cat).

Or maybe possession? Again, without knowing a lot about the game, I can only make these types of suggestions.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
"Artifacts" is better IMHO.

larienna wrote:
There are already artifacts. They are part of the World Encounters that yield assets to upgrade characters. I need something for the demon encounters...

I still think it should be "Artifacts" and World Encounters or Not, this should be the 5th element present on the board. Your World Encounters can have "Equipment" or "Stashes" or "Loot" but the Demons should account for "Artifacts" which are DIFFERENT from "Equipment".

Like I said they have a DANGER component/aspect which can lower the Sanity of the user wielding the item on any specific turn. On summon another Demon from the nearest Rift... Or cause some potentially cataclysmic event like some Demon Lord appears on the board given a random dice roll (Roll a "6" and the item backfires and summons a Demon Lord)... But usually from 1 to 5, can defeat instantly ONE (1) Demon that may be present, etc.

I don't know WHY(?) you need something ELSE. It's Demonic in nature (like "Artifacts") and it adds an element to the game which is different than say "Equipment" or "Stashes" or "Loot"... Then it is sufficiently different than the other categories of items... But that's just my opinion!

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
The game is similar to

The game is similar to eldritch horror. Or other games in the family: Arkham Horror, elder sign, etc. Players do 3 things on their turn: Roll dice to determine 3 actions, they can do. Resolve an encounter. Spawn new encounters and other resources on the board. Repeat until the game ends.

I have not considered the fact that Artifacts could be cursed demonic artifacts. I was expecting them to power up player, not make them a problem to manage.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
That's why I said it would be MORE "Demonic"...

larienna wrote:
The game is similar to eldritch horror. Or other games in the family: Arkham Horror, elder sign, etc. Players do 3 things on their turn: Roll dice to determine 3 actions, they can do. Resolve an encounter. Spawn new encounters and other resources on the board. Repeat until the game ends.

I guess what I mean to say... Is YOUR game doesn't need to be SIMILAR to the other games in the genre. I like to "borrow" mechanics but the specifics of the game are usually VERY different. I don't like to COPY games and re-skin them or re-theme them.

If you look at @Jacob's thread, I suggested a mixing of "Chess + Stratego" as per his instruction. Basically I showed him a part from "The Game Crafter" (TGC) and he said the concept "reminded" him of "Stratego"... So borrowing on "Stratego" MECHANICS, I came up with a 16 piece army (like Chess) that obeys the rules of a "bastardized" "Stratego" game (mechanics obviously).

There are not many games that I know have "pieces" which move around a board. That's not something that I am very familiar with other than "Chess" and "Stratego"... So looking into those mechanics helps the game move forwards in terms of ideas about HOW(?) to design units, handle movement and also have a component which is Hidden Movement (another mechanic in his game...)

larienna wrote:
I have not considered the fact that Artifacts could be cursed demonic artifacts. I was expecting them to power up player, not make them a problem to manage.

That's why I presented a different POV for "Artifacts". Sure "Equipment" can power up players, but "Artifacts" should be even more powerful players WANT to use them, but they can come at a COST (in some instances). Their Demonic Nature leads to trouble in some instances.

Depending on the SETTING of the game, you may want to model some of the aspects of the game from the Mafia. What I mean is Tommy Guns and Fedoras and suits to match the era. This is sort of the "feeling" I got from Arkham Horror... That it was set in early 1920s or so... (See the "Prohibition" era for more details)

Anyhow these are just IDEAS. Do what is best for YOUR game. I just think that "Artifacts" should pose some kind of "Threat" as opposed to "Equipment" which means a better weapon and/or items...


Note #1: Other ideas are items like "Arcane Stick" which has a limit of five (5) CHARGES and may only be used five (5) times! So although players may want to ALWAYS use it... It has only a limited amount of Demonic Power so the players need to be prudent to use its POWER when "necessary" and "optimal" (for example).

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I don't invent lego blocks, I

I don't invent lego blocks, I create something new with the blocks that already exists. Yes, there will be similarities with other games, but it will be different enough to stand on it's own. In fact, I am creating a system, that should allow making many more games with different variations.

This is the first game of the system, so it will be much more though to design. Since there is many possible variations, instead of expanding the game, I will create new stand alone game using the same system as core but exploring different twists.

So even if there are many possibilities, I need to make a choice, and not put too much stuff in the game. One of the primary objective is to make it printable at Game Crafters and keep the game small and cheap for that genre. I am using accordion 8x16 board (I love this board), it gives you an idea of the box size.

Yesterday, I made some mathematical calculations, I'll need to do more simulation to see the stats.

  • There are 4 types of encounters that the player can try to resolve.
  • Every 5 turns, 2 of each will be spawned, so 8 encounters per 5 turns.
  • The doom track will advance twice per 5 turns. It starts at 13, so it will take approximately (13/2=7 x5) 35 turns to end the game.
  • This means 8x7 = 56 encounters.
  • Since there is only 8 space with one of each type per space, that makes a max of 32 encounters.
  • Now encounters can be surged(flipped, more difficult), when triggered a second time. So 56-32 = 24/32 encounters will be surged if players do absolutely nothing.
  • The players can only solve 1 encounter per turn, therefore 35 encounters, assuming they always succeed.
  • On the other hand, they only need 13 encounters that makes the astral seal progress to win the game. (Some encounters might not move the seal, not sure)

OK, that might have been too much math for the points I want to make.

Should I allow characters to resolve multiple encounters on the same turn with extra difficulty?

The problem is that 8 encounters spawns for 5 player resolution. Creating an excess of 3 encounters per 5 turns if players always succeed. So as the game progress, more and more encounter will be on the board.

I think the surging already solve that issue, since resolving a surged encounter, is like resolving 2 encounters. So waiting to resolve encounters could be a good thing, but more difficult.

I think it should be OK, to have only 1 resolution per turn, if all resolution are put on demon encounters. It should create more tension at the end of the game, there could be more problems available.

I would still need a default encounter if no encounters are available. Probably a provoking encounter.

This makes me think of removing World Encounters to avoid wasting encounter resolutions on non-demon encounters. All demon encounters gives you a choice to take more risk to get an asset as reward. This should be the first way to upgrade your character. Since that also increase the difficulty, you might want to do this while the encounter is not surged. So now, there seems to be 2 strategic path: waiting or not waiting encounters to be surged.

Finally, the second way to upgrade would be via actions. I am thinking that you can build up a network of contact which gives additional actions, or powered up actions in different areas of the board. Those contact would be shared by all players. They would require no encounters, just some of the basic actions (3 per turn). Examples of contact/allies: Healer can cure physical conditions, antiquarian allows acquiring an artifact, etc.

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