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Are my walls too durable?

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X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

Was working on my public version of my wargame. Where most numbers are now single digits.

I revisited the design of my walls, costing only 1.

Seems that if I have a wall with only health. The health would be 100.
And if I apply a special rule that any damage is reduced to 1. Then the health would be 10.

For comparisson:
A rifleman costs 2. Has 1 health. And can deal 0.278 damage per turn. Let's say, with 6 of them, you can deal 1.67 damage per turn.

The thing is... Walls cannot move.

The mobile shields would have:
36 health.
Or 6 health with that same special rule that any damage is reduced to 1.


I don't know. It feels too durable to me now.
Although, these walls are only of use if the owner uses the cover mechanic.
Which means that the owner that receives the damage, may decide which units take the damage.

The cover mechanic can only be applied when:
- The Event Card; take cover, is used.
- The Action; take cover, is used or added to a total action.
- The objects together that take the damage instead. Are equal or more in value than what is taking cover.

The cover mechanic may then be countered when:
- The Event Card; tactical planning, is used.
- During the attack, the value drops below that of what is taking cover.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Wow ... That's the first time you talk about "Event Cards"!

Sounds pretty kewl. How does the "Take Cover" Action work???

I like that you have "strategic" cards that affect the outcome of battles. This reminds me of an RTS that used cards to apply bonuses and change up the outcome of a series of attacks.

"Battle Forge" by EA was a "card-driven" RTS. Check-out this video which BLENDS the two (2) genres together:

The Internet wrote:
An unofficial full-revival of the game was released on December 18, 2020, under the name of Skylords Reborn.

Looks like it uses Cards like "Battle Forge" ... Definitely a NEAT concept. So your Wargame is smart in using cards ... But I would check-out "Battle Forge" and "Skylords Reborn" as they may provide a source of inspiration for your wargame too!


Note #1: A playthru video can be seen here:

It looks REALLY NEAT! Hahaha...

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Always had them. Always had the answer too...?

questccg wrote:
Sounds pretty kewl. How does the "Take Cover" Action work???

Basicly it works the same as the normal cover system. Although I am not too happy with the name "Take Cover" it is a placeholder. It is a tactical card, in which you as the one taking the damage. Decide which units take the damage.

Normally I had 3 lines; a front, centre and rear.
I had several cards that could help an attacking player, once the opponent had a formation, protecting the support units in a way. It was very complicated.
So, in the public version, I will have only 2 lines.
A front and back. And the player, once taking this decision.
Will place more units in the front than the back.

Fodder can protect a tank. A tank can also protect the fodder.

If a player uses rifles. Roughly 2 will hit. Then it is good to have an unit having a tank with at least 3 health protecting the fodder.
If a player uses explosives. Roughly 1 will hit. Then it is good to have the fodder in front since only 1 of them would perish. Protecting the more expensive tank.

Obviously, you use the cover mechanic in order to protect the most expensive units with only 1 health.

questccg wrote:

I like that you have "strategic" cards that affect the outcome of battles. This reminds me of an RTS that used cards to apply bonuses and change up the outcome of a series of attacks.
I always had them. I had 45 different ones of them. A lot got obsolete over the years. Most were based on my hobby variant.

questccg wrote:

"Battle Forge" by EA was a "card-driven" RTS. Check-out this video which BLENDS the two (2) genres together:

The Internet wrote:
An unofficial full-revival of the game was released on December 18, 2020, under the name of Skylords Reborn.

Looks like it uses Cards like "Battle Forge" ... Definitely a NEAT concept. So your Wargame is smart in using cards ... But I would check-out "Battle Forge" and "Skylords Reborn" as they may provide a source of inspiration for your wargame too!

Yeah, I know those games.

Still, I wonder about my walls.
But I am brainstorming ways around for the player.

Not going into detail here. But... the titles are:
-Ignore them?
-Take your distance?
-Open map. Ignore that region?
-Remove the walls anyway?

There are 3 strategies that will go around the walls. These take into account that action points are limited per round. And that most walls are immobile.

And there is 1 way to design an unit that will remove the walls with ease. Taking into account that those that take cover are incredibly slow. And the walls themselves stand still in time. I made calculations. And the most extreme specialist can remove the wall at a factor 103. While the moderate specialist can remove the wall at a factor of 25.
Which is both much higher than the wall itself that has a factor of 10. Then again, these designs are specialized to such an extend. You can't parralel another action.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Ignore the walls You attack

Ignore the walls
You attack the region with the walls. You make sure that whatever is covering behind them will deal the least ammount of damage on you if you are within their attack range.
Attack 3 times with 1 squad or have 2 squads attacking even 4 times. With more squads, you can bring it up to 7 attacks.

No matter what you do. Make sure that the one defending and cowering behind the walls will waste 2 turns taking cover in combination with a return fire.
Then there will be no third time for that squad to be defending itself. You can fire away at what is right next to the walls.

Taking distance
The same as above, but then they cannot return fire. Because you are to far away with your artillery.

The defender has only 2 options here.
Come out and die.
Stay behind the walls and take cover.
Since there is no return fire. The target will be able to take cover 3 times instead of 2.

Ignore the region with the walls
Which works only if you have an open map. Simply go somewhere else. Depending on the faction design. There will be 6 to 8 regions with walls for taking cover.
At that point, the enemy base has at least that ammount of targets unprotected.
And in the field, there is plenty to conquer as well.


Walls are cheap.
But can't do anything without giving the command to your units.
It is recommended to have knowledge of the 3 strategies, shortly explained above.
If my designs are ready, I will have at least 3 missions in regards to going around the walls.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
What about an Tactical Card called: "Take Cover!"

And the idea would be that SOLDIERS ONLY can make a "Foxhole" and take cover like in the Trenches. A Foxhole is good for a few soldiers 2 to 3 maybe... But you could probably do more with Trenches and then you can protect a bunch of soldiers like a Platoon and can serve as a way to make Tanks (or other large machinery) less effective when dealing with SOLDIERS ONLY.

Just an IDEA.

You could have two (2) cards: "Take Cover!" (2-3 Soldiers) and "Dig Down" (10-20 Soldiers).

Of course these are ONLY cards and would not affect the area in play. What I mean is that there is no ACTUAL "Foxhole" or "Trenches" in the area of play... It's only SYMBOLIC and means that those soldiers are protected with cover from Tanks, Jeeps and other mechanized assault vehicles.

Again just an IDEA!

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
X3M wrote: The cover mechanic

X3M wrote:

The cover mechanic can only be applied when:
- The Event Card; take cover, is used.
- The Action; take cover, is used or added to a total action.
- The objects together that take the damage instead. Are equal or more in value than what is taking cover.

The cover mechanic may then be countered when:
- The Event Card; tactical planning, is used.
- During the attack, the value drops below that of what is taking cover.

It already exists. This little baby is 3 days old already.

As for trenches...
Same deal, but could make this a subterrain variant. Meaning that units could hide inside.

But then again. I should revisit "cargo" units.

There should be 2 variants:
- Closed; units inside cannot shoot outside.
- Open; units inside can shoot outside.

"Cargo" would act as a weapon property.
And specializing would cut the value in half (units or structures) then another half (organic or mechanical)

It can act as auto cover.

Extra building plating.
Special tanks.
Cargo ship.

Either way...
Attack range is 0.
"Accuracy" is non existent.
Compared to a weight of 1 with a rifle.
Cargo would start with a factor of 1.8 compared to a rifle. Meaning that carrying 1 riflemen of a cost of 2 would start at a weight cost of 3.6.

Specialisation turns this into /(2*2). Thus the weight is now 0.9.
If the rifleman can shoot... times 2 is 1.8.
A jeep with a cost of 4 could easily carry a rifleman now. That actually can shoot while being protected.

The thing is, size is removed. So an army of 12 points being cargo. Could carry stuff, slightly bigger too if designed to protect.

Oh heck yeah, I can do a lot here already.

The thing is. What if the carrier gets destroyed?
If the cargo can escape. A factor of 1.5?
Thus, if the jeep blows up? The weight is not 1.8 but 2.7.

O well, leta brainstorm a bit more.
But I like trenches for a faction as well.

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