Hey Mike,
While I agree with previous posters that your initial offer was very off-putting, there's never any reason to get nasty or personal with feedback. At least when others post on threads, the community has visibility to those comments...private PMs on the other hand offer a "closed" forum, where some may take the opportunity to "go off..." so for that reason I'm sorry if you had to endure any offensive feedback. That's not what this community is about, though reality-checking and open honest criticism is important to finding success for our projects.
I checked out your site, and I have some questions:
1. How do you see your consultation working? Do you expect designers to pay, or will this be a free forum much like BGDF? We're all consultants to one another here, and it's been proven to be a successful forum at that. If what you're offering are trusted design consultants with a history of published and successful games under their belts, best to offer bios of each one as you build your group and really push the "trusted and successful" factor to attract business.
2. Beta testing...what exactly do you plan on offering here? This I see as the biggest opportunity, filling the greatest need of finding a diverse group of playtesters and gaining structured and valuable feedback. This is something which designers would likely pay for if the price and structure is right.
3. Production and distribution...interesting that you say you'll handle both, but until you have some examples of past projects which you've had demonstrated success at doing both, there are too many other trusted sources for both services. You're going up against Panda, AdMagic and other big companies who open the door for the little guy, so you need to offer something unique in addition to demonstrating your ability to follow through.
Contradiction: "we can assist you including branding, marketing, advertising, distribution and even sales through our online store," but then state that "what we don’t do is promote your product for you." HUH? How can you claim to offer marketing and advertising, but then say you won't do promotion? Makes no sense...and makes me think you don't have a full grasp of the services you're offering.
Lastly, and I assume this is just placeholder art, but seeing the LOTR movie artwork was a big turnoff as I also assume you don't have rights to use that imagery. If you're starting to reveal your site and build an audience, I'd take it down immediately.
I came here to exchange ideas with like minded people. The website was a gift from my wife and kids. See, I have Cancer and I wanted to do something that would distract from that. The artwork came with the site. The meds make me sick. It's hard to sit for hours and work on a website and WP isn't the easiest thing to figure out.
Honestly, I'm sorry sorry I ever joined this forum. Thanks for the comments.