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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
How about these babies...

Check out "The Game Crafter" (TGC) Hex/Square/Circle SHARDS:

I'm using the square version for Game Tiles... 50 cards, 6 shards per card = 300 shards... The cool thing is that they come manufactured in a DECK format and you need to punch them out by hand (very easy).

But the compact format is FANTASTIC. Like I said 50 cards = 300 shards!


Note: Of course you can add cards to the amount. It just so happens that my WIP "SpellMasters" requires 60 Game Tiles per player and there are a possibility of up to 5 players (5 x 60 = 300). So that's funny how that works out.

With TGC the "shards" are all RANDOM on the cards. If I was to have the game made professionally I would "color-code" the shards to have 10 cards of each color per player (5 x 10 = 50 cards).

TGC approach is good - while not perfect. Having 10 RED cards, 10 BLUE cards, etc. leaves less room for errors. But it's TGC approach of not sorting anything which is their DE-FACTO standard.

Best of luck(?!) with your game!

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Tracking 8 x 11 is a lot.

Tracking 8 x 11 is a lot. Isn't it possible to change the combat mechanic in such way, that only 1 or 2 ships are tracked at a given time when needed? Preferably without those off board tracks.

ssm's picture
Joined: 04/06/2017
You mentioned simple single

You mentioned simple single sided black & white chits. Could they be double sided? the black on one side and white on the other? Will that reduce piece count?
Would you be able to create a simple version with paper and see how it works & what needed to be added, instead of taken away?
Can anything used by existing franchises be adapted to simplify parts of your game?

Joined: 12/22/2015

Note re simple version - the digital version has similar combat outcomes in terms of damage carried by ships and damage carried beyond scrap and repair phases, especially with addition of "pause to scrap as needed".

A version with chits being created as needed (and paperclips as fleet stands) could be done - the fleet groupings do not actually require a tray if table space is available and battle cards can be left out.

About the rest:

The trays (shrank them with using written move orders but now are 7 fleets with room for 12 ships each) are just a sorting and storage mechanism to eliminate tracking paperwork and allow ordering a group of ships to move together.

A large number of unit chits are needed to allow for potential tracking of damages. I have been able to reduce those somewhat now but only playtesting could indicate further reduction.

It would be a completely different game if number of ships that could be involved in a combat or number of combats was limited by any factors other than affording the ships and getting there.

(I do not expect much damage to be carried beyond next Economic phase.)

Have been able to reduce from inch to 1-1/2 inch board hexes.

Still an awful lot of chits needed in this game to have enough in the available pool.

see for most recent details, but the component list follows.


Box, Board 28x32 (1-1/2 inch hexes), 1 pair percentage dice (different colors), rules
- Spare space on the game board margins would list the ship types with costs and units and the six planetary value charts


Combat/Hyperspace wheel

15 player fleet trays - will nest - designed to stack when slightly offset

6 tray covers

Battle Cards: 60 (mini, double sided) - really would like to keep these but not absolutely vital to game play
- 5 Scout/Terraformer
- 10 Scout/Explorer
- 5 Scout/Basestar
- 5 Cruiser/Terraformer
- 10 Cruiser/Explorer
- 5 Cruiser/Basestar
- 20 Cruiser/Scout

Stance Cards: 66 (micro, single sided) - could be chits instead
- (6 phantom, 5 each player "friend", 5 each player "foe")

Fleet stands: 240 (40 each color) hold 2 shards upright back to back (one facing each way - fleet id & altitude)


Fleet_id: 200 (100 pairs)(thin shards)

Altitude: 200 (thin shards)(double sided +/- except for 0 which is same on both sides)
- (40) for level 0, 10 each for levels 1,2,4,5,7,8 (=60), (50) for level 3, 25 each for levels 6,9 (=50)

Ships: 200 (double sided) - the * indicates blue ink instead of black for ship outline
- 25 terraformer*/basestar, 25 explorer*/scout, 25 explorer*/cruiser, 50 scout/basestar*, 50 cruiser/basestar*, 25 scout*/cruiser*

Planet owner: 90 (double sided)(6 of each combination)
- red/yellow, red/green, red/cyan, red/blue, red/purple, yellow/green, yellow/cyan, yellow/blue, yellow/purple, green/cyan, green/blue, green/purple, cyan/blue, cyan/purple, blue/purple

Planet color: 108 (shard)(double sided) 3 of each gray/color combo plus 6 of each 2 color combo

Units: 300 (single sided)
- 50 system
- 50 armor
- 50 weapons
- 50 drive
- 30 multifire
- 20 sensors
- 10 terraforming
- 40 hyperdrive (used for both slipstream and jump)

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
What if

If costs/budget allows. What if you use triangles instead of chits?
If the maximum health is 4 per ship. You can add a triangle to the tracker, as soon as health hits 3 or less. Just an idea, I don't know how feasable this is.

Another approach is having 2 colours (+numbers) on 1 side of the chit. But for that, you need to have cardboard shits. And perhaps that is also more expensive than expected.

Joined: 12/22/2015

The shape of the chit is unimportant. If a triangle shape was cheaper per chit would certainly go with that.
The ships do not have a generic health attribute - instead they have functional units and damage disables specific functions (some of which do not affect combat capability).

Specific type of damage is a consideration during repairs also. If I have a Dark ship (damaged system) that want to use as a sacrifice to pin an overwhelming force in place for that turn I would only repair the system at a 1 point repair cost.

In combat it is a simplified miniatures battle (think naval miniatures where a hit could affect sails or cannon, each of which limits the damaged ship in different ways). The idea of using average effect to reduce die rolls was lifted from napoleonic era miniatures (land based with troop formations where effect is average of current troop strength in the formation).

The battle cards are an attempt to bring the look of miniature battles to combats (and if the game was produced and took off having actual miniatures as upgrades is a thought, along with offering chits and battle card packs and fleet trays as parts).

In movement and economics it is a hexmap area control game with multiple vertical levels.
Using blue vs black ink for ship chit outlines is only a device to aid in mentally sorting ship chits (gives clue to what is on other side) and has no meaning in game mechanics. The idea came up because I see no cost benefit to not doing it that way.

The scattered match ups between front and back sides would allow swapping an in use chit with the pool for one with a different back so the backside of the currently in use chit becomes available for use.
It is amazing how far out of the loop I am on current manufacturing and costs. (I remember the old Avalon Hill die punched sheets of counters with sometimes all chit except for outer rim of the sheet, when the printing cost for both sides made a 2 sided chit as expensive as 2 single sided chits, and printing cost was much cheaper for monochrome single color and went up as more color was added.)

But I am beginning to catch up in that area as far as general info is concerned - moving beyond 1978 in the physical arena (as long as they don't expect me to look and act my age.
Looking at the timeline on this game, it has actually tightened up considerably in the 9 days since the "chits and trays VS paperwork tracking" idea first presented itself.

I was a bit surprised when players going in sequence snuck back in as an actual specified mechanic - I thought only the hyperspace jumps twisting with offset idea - with dead spots added - was going to make it all the way from the 1978 game to the present.

I lucked out on the digital board already having the home base hexes colored so the 6 flat movement directions got names.

Joined: 12/22/2015
pdg file

I believe I am at a standstill now unless it somehow could be made cheaply enough. Final notes and layout in pdf format at

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