It's been two months since my last post and since then I have tallied 4 more multi-player playtests and another 3 solo playtests. It was tested at Dice Tower Con twice (where it's new name was suggested - which I really like), and most recently last night.
Development is coming along very very nicely. 4p game last night was enjoyed by all and took 1 1/2 hours which is right where I want it for a 4p game.
Changes to the game from the last time I posted are numerous, but the biggest ones are that players no longer travel on a linear path, but rather it is a grid of 4 locations in which they can travel to and from (this provides more choice). In between each location is an encounter that a player must face to complete their travel. In the middle of the grid is the Legend. The Legends are tougher to beat as they require 3 successful rolls, but offer greater rewards in the form of XP, higher victory points, and your choice of a Mythical artifact. If you decide to face the Legend, you don't get to do anything else on your turn, so you better be ready for it!
The equipment tokens are now allocated to the various locations on the board, requiring you to visit those locations to buy the ones you want. The market consists of 6 cards that you can always purchase and another 6 in a display that changes as players buy/upgrade cards.
Final score of the game was 17-15-14-7. It was recommended that the Legends be worth a bit more victory points to make them worth fighting versus just taking out the normal encounters. Some other tweaks to cards and values were recommended.
I was very pleased with the playtest as it felt like an almost publishable game at this point. From here forward, I am going to concentrate on tweaking VP values, difficulty of encounters, and cards that appear underpowered/overpowered (there were a few).
Next step will be more playtests, blind playtests, and eventually I plan on submitting it to Game Salute and see what happens.
I will be posting the rules very soon for anyone to comment on. If you offer comments/suggestions for my game design, I will make sure that I reciprocate and help with yours if you like.
Fixed a typo
Fixed a typo on my old blog post and it reposted it. Disregard.