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Christmas Shipping at TGC

I know it seems early to be talking about Christmas, but it's that time of year again. Lots of people will be buying copies of their games for Christmas presents. Why not? They make excellent gifts. However, that will put a bit of a crunch on our production schedule.

We want to make sure that everyone gets their gifts in time for Christmas. To make sure that happens, you must place your order with us no later than December 13th for domestic orders; and December 6th for international orders to ensure that they make it to you by December 23rd.

Get your orders in soon. We have everything in tip top shape to ensure we can get all the orders out that come in. Those that come in after the deadlines we will work hard to try to get those out by Christmas, but it's not just about us. The mail carriers this time of year are also overloaded, so mail goes a bit slower this time of year. Do yourself a favor and get your order placed sooner rather than later.

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