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Con Sponsorship Wins Again


Toren and crew, of Ice Pack Games are back from Balticon where they promoted a half dozen of their own games, and a bunch of games from other members of the TGC community. Ice Pack Games is the second member of our community to take us up on our offer to sponsor designers to go to small cons around the world.

As I already mentioned, Ice Pack promoted both their own games and games from the TGC community. They also took part in some discussion panels, and of course they promoted The Game Crafter as well. On the TGC side of things, Toren said that "folks were amazed at the quality of the cards and the selection of pieces available". That excites us, not only because people were excited about what we can offer, but it means we were reaching out to new people we had never had contact with before.

Through our sponsorship Ice Pack Games earned $500 in cash, plus over $100 in supporting materials, plus they got critical exposure to all the players who stopped by their booth and tried out their games. If you've published a game through TGC, you're also eligible to be sponsored to go to a convention near you. There are conventions all over the world, if you need help locating one near you, ask, we're happy to help!

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blog | by Dr. Radut