We have reached the $7000 Shrink Wrap goal in 20 days! This means that we’ll have the funds to get an Advanced Shrink Wrap Machine and all games will be wrapped at $.20/game! This is a great achievement for the The Game Crafter community and it confirms that there’s significant demand for shrink wrapping after all.
There is one last Shrink Wrap goal at $10,000 and that machine (if it doesn’t take over the world first) will allow us to provide free shrink wrapping for every game, for everyone, forever. This goal is $2483 away and there are 9 days left so start spreading the word and getting people involved!
And remember, the additional Stretch Goals (Medium Pro Game Box & Bi-fold Game Board) are available at $11,000 and $14,000.
Update on Voting Perks:
The vote for our next new product is heating up! We have surpassed $500 in Voting Perks and that means 1 new product is guaranteed to be released in late April or early May! The 18-Card Booster Packaging is in the lead right now with 14 votes, followed by the 10” x 10” Game Board with 12 votes and the 4" x 4" Game Boards with 11 votes. If you have a favorite product that you want us to release in April/May, be sure to get a Voting Perk and tell us your vote on the Comments tab!
9 days to go. Let’s do this!!!!