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New Game Design Contest - The Classic Arcade Challenge

The Game Crafter's Classic Arcade Challenge Game Design Contest

Whether you like classic kinetic games such as skee ball or pinball, or if you like early electronic games such as Pacman and Gauntlet, there’s no doubt that for many of us arcade games bring about a sense of wonder and nostalgia. It is with this in mind that The Game Crafter introduces its latest tabletop game design contest: The Classic Arcade Challenge!

We want you to build a tabletop game that exudes the same sense wonder and nostalgia as these classic games. Reinterpret your favorite classic arcade game in board/card game form.

To qualify, your game must comply with all of the following rules:

1. Your theme must start with a reimagining of a classic arcade game. Clearly you cannot re-use trademarked names or copywritten artwork, but it must be obvious what game you’re inspired by.
2. The game you choose to use as your theme must have been released no later than 1985.
3. You are welcome to use any printables or game pieces available in our shop to create your game.
4. The cost of your game cannot exceed $24.99.
5. A rules document must be downloadable from your game’s shop page. You’re welcome to and encouraged to also include the rules in the game itself.
6. The game must be publish ready, meaning it has a logo, backdrop, shop ad, action shots, description, and cool factors. It must also have all images proofed, and have packaging (any of our boxes will do).
7. This must be a new game created for this contest. It cannot have existed on TGC prior to the contest.
8. All artwork must be your own, commissioned by you, licensed to you, or in the public domain.
9. All entries must be submitted through TGC’s game editor no later than September 9, 2013.
Contestants may submit multiple entries to this contest. Each entry will be judged separately.

You retain all rights to your game and are welcome to sell it in our shop before, during, and after the contest, regardless of the outcome of the contest.

The winner shall receive all of the following prizes:

* Automatic Showcase status on for the winning game.
* 100,000 crafter points.
* $50 of shop credit on
* An opportunity to judge the next contest.
* A free copy of the game will be sent to The Gamers’ Table for an official review to be featured on an upcoming episode.
* Induction into The Game Crafter Hall of Fame.

Good luck to everyone!

Official announcement posted at:

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