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New Game Design Contest at The Game Crafter!

The Game Crafter - The Leading Print On Demand Game Publisher

The Game Crafter is happy to announce a new community game design contest. Introducing The Adventure Challenge!

Here's an introduction:

We want you to design a completely unique adventure game where the players complete grand quests or amazing acts of heroism or villainy.

Your adventure must take place in a real location on Earth. However, it can be from any time period, including the future. Post- Apocalypse on the golden gate bridge, Advanced Technologies in the pyramids of Egypt, maybe we all evolved to look like cats and we live in Antarctica, the fun is up to you.

The story and immersion is the most important part of adventure games, so having a strong theme throughout the game is important.

The game should also have great replay-ability, with changing variables like, scenarios, quests, characters, maps, locations or stories.

The game must play 3 or more people. What is an adventure without friends?!

Visit to see all of the info about rules and prizes. Have fun!

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blog | by Dr. Radut