Back when we used to cut chits and tiles via dies it made more sense to charge by the sheet. But now, with the advent of mix and match, and laser cutting, it is time to change things up and price by the length of the cuts. So an item that has fewer linear inches in its cut will be cheaper and an item that has more linear inches will be more expensive.
Obviously nobody wants to see the price of anything go up, but in reality some of you have been subsidizing the cut costs of others, because we charged the same regardless of what was on the sheet. The good news is that 18 of our different punchouts will be going down in price, and many by more than $1 per sheet!
In addition, with this change we can do something else we’ve wanted to do. If you’re only using a couple slugs on a sheet, you only pay for the cut time of those slugs. So this will give some of you a bit better pricing in a different way.
And finally, with this new way of structuring things, we can offer better bulk pricing across the board on punchouts. Every single punchout will get better bulk pricing, at least by a little bit; and some by a lot.
Official Announcement here: