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Tradewars - Homeworld: General Release Edition

With everything that has been going on with "Tradewars - Homeworld", it took some time in figuring out what needed to get done.

This weekend I spent about eight (8) hours re-designing the cards to match the NEW "General Release" Edition. Since we have trimmed down the amount of artwork used by the game - we created "accidentally" two (2) additional options for new races. This was not a planned effect, it just seemed natural that we had about 1/3 the amount of cards to design, that we could eventually ADD two (2) additional races.

This makes more sense than just adding new artwork for the fun of it.

It takes a lot of effort - and that effort should yield reasonable results for say an additional race - not simply to have more cards.

Part of the re-design was ensuring that Nerida's storylines would be present on the cards for the game. I mean we spent nearly $1,000 for a Creative Writer to write about the Megacorporations and their struggles with each other.

This also required me to re-visit the resources available in the game. The current PRE-Release, didn't have all the storylines and made it impossible to have a way of telling those stories. Which meant it would be a waste. Earlier the plan was to release +40 additional illustrations and add Nerida's storylines. But I decided that 35+ illustrations for one Edition is enough... And so the storylines needed to be re-included in the base game.

By doing so, the game is much closer to the Standard Edition of the game. Or the Edition that was supposed to be the basis for the game. I also did not want to use the acronym "STD" since it has a bad connotation. So I had to modify ALL the cards to the "GEN" Edition (General Release). Small but requires re-designing of all of the cards! Ughh! :P

I still need to design the TGC version (with bleed) and upload all of them to the TGC website. Guess I'll do that NEXT weekend, when I can re-focus on the game not my daily work duties.

Anyways the GOOD NEWS is that Nerida's brilliant writing will be included as part of the game and will not be lost. Something I was uncertain of before this weekend's efforts.


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blog | by Dr. Radut