We’re happy to tell you about a new revision to our web site. There’s hundreds of small changes, too many to list individually. And still some that we want to add to this, but let’s talk about the major new features of 5.0!
Search Engine
We have an entirely new search engine. It allows for crazy amounts of filtering for everything in the shop. You can filter on price, play time, mechanics, and even whether the game is delivered digitally. And it is as fast and precise as Google.
Safe Search
Game designers can indicate whether their game contains nudity or profanity or gore, and then buyers can filter out content they don’t want to see. And by default, safe search is enabled for all users.
The site is now broken up into departments. For example, the “Games” category has been broken up into Board Games, Card Games, Dice Games, RPGs, and Wargames. The Non-Games category has been split into Self Improvement and Miscellaneous. And the Tarot category has been subdivided into Tarot, Oracles, and Lenormand.
Game Upgrades
We have an entirely new department called Game Upgrades. This department is intended for component upgrades and fan made expansions for mass market games. Got some new dice for Descent? They go here. Want to use our premium game pieces to make a new token set for Robinson Crusoe, put it here as well. Board game collectors from around the world will seek them out to upgrade their favorite games.
Game Shop Page Formatting
You can now format your shop pages with images, horizontal rules, tables, videos, and some basic font styling and links. This should allow games to set themselves apart in the shop.
Games Using This
For a long time now our community has asked us to add a Games Using This Component section to each of our parts pages. This way they can see examples of games that put each game piece to good use. We’ve done just that!
Note: This version numbering scheme represents the major changes in the overall UI of The Game Crafter. We’re coming up on our ninth birthday and we’ve already done 5 major redesigns of our site!