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Worker Placement Challenge: Winner Announced!

The Game Crafter - The Leading Print On Demand Game Publisher

And the winner of the Worker Placement Challenge is…

Dysplacement! Congratulations to Scrapyard Armory Games.

We also have a spreadsheet showing the final rankings of all of the finalists. It was a very tight race. Dysplacement won by only 1 point, and there was only a 5 point spread between first place and last place in the finalists.

Thank you to our sponsor and guest judge Letiman Games. And thank you to all of our contestants. If you were in the contest and would like to know more about his thoughts on your game, Dan said he’d be happy to provide additional feedback.

Also don’t forget that you still have just under a month to get your entries in for the Gamehole Gauntlet.

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blog | by Dr. Radut