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New Board Game Pieces - Stone Walls

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - Stone Walls

Our Board Game Pieces Shop now has Stone Walls. They are great thematic pieces of game terrain for your #RPG and #BoardGames! They have length of 4.11 inches, height of .77 inches, width of .43 inches and cost $2 each. 17mm Meeple for scale.

New Board Game Pieces - Seer's Stone & Altar

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - Seer's Stone and Altar

We added a Seer’s Stone and Altar to our Board Game Pieces Shop! These are detailed and thematic pieces of terrain for your RPG or board games. 17mm Meeple included for scale.


I'm thinking about submitting for

I'm not quite sure how likely I am to do well there, or really what the benefit will end up being, but may be a good use of 15 copies of my game.

Anyone here have any experience with the Mensa board game competition, or what the effect is on your sales if you win? (I'm pretty sure it would be a good way to get into, say, Barnes & Noble)

Crafter Con 2018 - Livestream sessions available starting today at 9am CT

The Game Crafter - Crafter Con - The convention for board game designers

Crafter Con 2018 takes place Thursday, November 29th and begins at 9am CT. The video at talks about the event as well as Protospiel Madison 2018 which immediately follows it. Sessions will be live streamed on our Facebook page at

New Board Game Pieces - Furniture

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - Furniture

We added several new types of furniture to our board game pieces shop. We now have a Bed, Bookshelf, Round Table, Small Cabinet, and Small Footlocker. We keep adding more game terrain and containers to our shop so that you have plenty of thematic parts use in your RPG or board games. Hmm, now where did I put my keys?

Board Game Blueprint - Component Closeups: Sprues (Space Rangers & Mechs)

In this episode of Board Game Blueprint, Ben assembles his first sprues from The Game Crafter for the latest Component Close Up. Say hello to the Space Ranger, Space Ranger II, and Mechs. Watch all of the episodes at

New Contest at The Game Crafter - TURKEY DAY GIVEAWAY

The Game Crafter - Giveaway - TURKEY DAY GIVEAWAY 2018

It’s almost Thanksgiving in the USA and we wanted to host another giveaway to show how thankful we are for our awesome community of 200,000 board game designers and gamers. We have some great prizes lined up. Check out the contest page at to learn more about the prizes and how you can earn entries.

BIG NEWS: Make 100% Custom Plastic Game Pieces at The Game Crafter

The Game Crafter - Custom Acrylic Shapes - Custom Plastic Game Pieces at The Game Crafter

Welcome to the fourth epoch of The Game Crafter: entirely custom game pieces!

For a while now we’ve allowed you to make custom punchouts, stickers, cards, and other printable components all to your exact specifications. For the first time we can now do that with plastic game pieces.

Playtesters for a family board game.

Hi I am looking for playtesters (a family) to test a family board game. Prototypes are currently being printed and will be ready in a few weeks. I would prefer players in the UK or near europe merely to save on postage costs.



Winner Announced in the Phase Shift Dimensions Challenge!

The Game Crafter - Board Game Design Contest - Phase Shift Dimensions Challenge

We have a winner for the Phase Shift Dimensions Challenge!

We had an absolute blast playing the finalist’s games. Each one was so fundamentally different, which was kinda the point of the contest. Well done to all who entered, and especially to these finalists!

First, our thoughts on each of the finalist entries:

Codename: Hunter:

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by Dr. Radut