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The Game Crafter's blog

New Board Game Pieces - 20mm Hexbox

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - 20mm Hexbox available at The Game Crafter

We added 20mm Hexbox to our Board Game Pieces Shop! They come in 4 colors, (Blue, Red, Yellow, Green), and are made of wood. If you like these, be sure to check out our collection of Octbox! 17mm meeple is included for scale.

Improvements to our Crowd Sales system!

We’ve made a bunch of improvements to our Crowd Sale system so that game designers can enjoy even more success with their crowd funding campaigns.

- When you go to create your Crowd Sale we display a checklist of everything you’ll need to get started.
- We’ve added 500 and 1000 unit discount tiers. in addition to our normal 100 unit discount tier.
- Backers can now select Will Call as a shipping option if they plan to pick up their game at our factory.
- Creators can now set an initial discount between $0 and $5 (was hard coded to $5).

New Board Game Pieces - Hex Nut & Bolt

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - Hex Nut & Bolt

We added Hex Nuts and Bolts to our Board Game Pieces Shop! These could work well in games where players are building structures, engines, or working with tools. We’re excited to see how designers incorporate these into their designs!

New Board Game Pieces - Atom Symbol, Oil Rig, and Radiation Mask

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - Atom Symbol, Oil Rig, and Radiation Mask Tokens

We added Atom Symbol, Radiation Mask, and Oil Rig tokens to our Board Game Pieces Shop. The Atom Symbol has the same image on the front and back, but the Radiation Mask and the Oil Rig have different images on each side of the tokens.

Full details at

New Board Game Pieces - Metropolis Coins

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - Metropolis Coins

Check out the new Metropolis Coins that we added to our Board Game Pieces Shop! They come in two denominations, (5 and 1), and the front and back sides of the coins are identical.

New Board Game Pieces - Black Bear, Grizzly Bear, and Polar Bear

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - Black Bear, Grizzly Bear, and Polar Bear

We added the Black Bear, Grizzly Bear, and Polar Bear to our Board Game Pieces Shop! We'd like to thank our friends at Michigan Department of Natural Resources who helped with the design and who plan to use the bears in an upcoming game they're producing.

Pricing Changes + New Bulk Discounts at 500 and 1000

We’re happy to tell you about a host of new pricing changes. The ones we announce today are just the start of an overall larger change coming to The Game Crafter through-out the rest of this year. You can read the announcement below or you can see our blog post which also includes some photos.

Bulk Pricing at 500 and 1000

Starting today we are now offering new bulk prices for 500 and 1000 copies of a game on the following components:

decks of cards
custom etched dice
custom printed dice

Holiday Design Contest - Finalists Announced!

The Game Crafter - Holiday Design Contest

The finalists have been announced for the Holiday Design Contest! Our judge, Cassie Elle, has provided feedback for the semi-finalists at

New Board Game Pieces - Keycards

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - Keycards

We added these awesome Keycards to our Board Game Pieces Shop! They are made of acrylic and come in blue, green, red, and yellow. We are excited to see how people will use them in their game designs. 17mm Meeple included for scale.

New Board Game Pieces - Crescent Wrench

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - Crescent Wrench

Does your game require players to fix things? If so, you may be interested in the Crescent Wrench that we added to our Board Game Pieces Shop! It’s made of acrylic and is currently only available in grey. 17mm Meeple included for scale.

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by Dr. Radut