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Cthulhu has arrived!

The Game Crafter - Board Game PIeces - Cthulhu

Everybody’s favorite cultist god is now available in The Game Crafter shop. 2 colors available. Pick up your Cthulhu today at

Gaming with Edo - Q&A Interview with JT Smith

Our very own JT Smith is the featured guest on Gaming with Edo. In this video interview, he talks about the history of The Game Crafter, how the company has grown over the years, and what other gaming projects we’re launched. (Tabletop Events & Component Studio)

Eduardo Baraf (aka Edo) uses The Game Crafter frequently and he has also created a ton of amazing content for game designers at the League of Game Makers.

Watch the video on youtube at

New Game Pieces Available - Civil War Sprue

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - Civil War Sprue

New game pieces available! Who doesn’t need a canon and some rifleman? Now you can get them all in one place with our Civil War Sprue. They come in 4 colors and have several styles of rifleman. Get them at

New Game Pieces Available - Soldiers

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - Soldiers

New game pieces available at The Game Crafter. Check out these soldiers. They come in a set of 5 different colors and are very detailed. Available now at

New Game Pieces Available: Horses

The Game Crafter - New Game Pieces - Horses

New game pieces available! Grab your horses and ride off into the sunset. We’ve got all the horses you’ll need with the civil war horse sprue. It comes in black and brown and contains 24 horses. Get them at

Game Law with Zach Strebeck - Episode 154 of The Game Crafter Official Podcast

The Game Crafter - The Official Game Crafter Podcast with JT Smith and Jeff King

JT decides he and Jeff need a little assistance to cover 2 listener requests in Episode 154 of The Game Crafter Official Podcast. So JT invites Zach Strebeck, a lawyer that focuses on game law. So get ready for a discussion about intellectual property, trademark, and liability.

All board game designers should give this a listen at:

Missionary Figures now available

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - Missionary Figures

Our game parts shop now carries new Missionary Figures. They are very detailed, come in a set of 5 different colors, and are available at

8 New Styles of 16mm D6 Dice Available

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - New 16mm D6 Dice Available

The Game Crafter has added 8 new types of 16mm D6 dice to our board game parts shop!

Colonist Game Pieces

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - Colonist Figures

The Game Crafter now has Colonist figures! They're incredibly detailed and come in a set of 5 colors.

Taj Mahal Palace Game Pieces

The Game Crafter - Board Game Pieces - Taj Mahal Palaces

We've added these new Taj Mahal Palace board game pieces to our online parts shop. They come in sets of 5 colors and are available now.

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by Dr. Radut