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The Game Crafter's blog

New Game Pieces Available: Pyramids

The Game Crafter - New Game Pieces Available: Pyramids

New Game Pieces Available in The Game Crafter's Online Parts Shop! Pyramids are here. They are made of wood and come in 7 different colors. Click the link below to learn more.

New - Out of Stock Alerts!

The Game Crafter - Out of stock alerts for board game designers

We have implemented "out of stock" alerts for game designers at The Game Crafter. You'll now be notified via email if a part runs out and you have it in your game. You’ll then be notified again when the game part is back in stock. With this new system, you’ll be able to keep your game published by switching out parts that run out and then switch them back as soon as we have them back in stock. This is a feature that you, the community, told us was important and so we have delivered on it. :)

A bunch of new features released for Component.Studio

We’ve released a whole bunch of new features for https://Component.Studio:

- Boxes, Circles, Hexes, and Polygons can now use gradients and hatches as fills in addition to solid colors.

- You can now use the Overprint Black option on all visible steps.

- Added a named colors key.

- Image Grids now skip empty / null URLs rather than stopping at the first empty.

- Image Grids now allow you to specify a color in the URL field so you can add a placeholder when you don’t yet have an image.

Crafter Points Spending Changes

The Game Crafter - The Leading Print On Demand Game Publisher

The Game Crafter has implemented a few Crafter Points (CP) spending changes we want you to know about:

1. You can now spend 5,000 CP once per day to promote your game to our Twitter feed.

2. We’ve changed our Facebook promoter to allow you to do it once per week rather than once ever. Still costs 10,000 CP.

3. You can not use the Twitter or Facebook promoters if your game does not pass safe search.

4. You can spend 10,000 CP to bypass the 10 day waiting period to publish your game.


New Game Pieces Available: Nobles

The Game Crafter - New Game Pieces: Nobles

The Game Crafter is pleased to release these new nobles into our online board game parts shop! They come in 5 colors and 2 sizes (Large and Small) and are perfect for representing the aristocracy in your games.

Gamehole Dungeon Crawler Challenge - Winner Announced!

The Game Crafter - Gamehole Dungeon Crawler Challenge 2017

The winner of of the Gamehole Dungeon Crawler Challenge is Queen’s Quest! Congratulations to our winner (Geek Fever Games) and thank you to all of our contestants.

Protospiel Madison

Protospiel Madison - Hosted by The Game Crafter

The country’s best game design convention has come to Madison, Wisconsin. Protospiel Madison! Get your badge now! We’ve already confirmed 11 publishers scouting games this year. This event is powered by

New Board Game Parts Available: Buildings

The Game Crafter - New Game Pieces Available: Buildings

These new wooden buildings are an excellent way to give your game some depth. They come in 3 different types and 6 colors.

New Board Game Parts Available: Workers

The Game Crafter - New Board Game Parts Available: Workers

Lots to get done and now you have the army of workers to do it. These new wooden workers come in 6 colors for the workers carrying a bag in each hand and 7 colors for the workers carrying a bag in only one hand. Pick some up now at The Game Crafter!

Winner of the BIG BOX CHALLENGE announced!

The Game Crafter - Big Box Challenge - Board Game Design Contest

The Game Crafter is pleased to announce that FAZA has won our Big Box Challenge.
Our judge Alex Coulombe provided an amazingly detailed document about how he came to this decision.

Thanks to everyone who participated in this challenge. And don’t forget that we have the Hidden Movement Challenge going on right now.

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by Dr. Radut