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The Game Crafter's blog

Quad-Fold & Bi-Fold Game Board Upgrade

Starting with order 69555,(and perhaps some before), The Game Crafter has upgraded the stock used for Quad-Fold and Bi-Fold game boards to have a matt finish. In addition, the new stock has a better grain, which means more durable folding for years to come. Perhaps best of all, this is a free upgrade! Enjoy!

New Blank Game Components Available

The Game Crafter has added several new blank game components to our online parts shop!

Blank Business Cards
Blank Domino Cards
Blank Small Square Cards
Blank Domino Tiles
Blank Half Mat
Blank Small Dial
Blank Strip Mat

We hope you find these to be great parts for prototyping your next game!

Titan's Game Design Series

Calliope Games just announced their Titan's Game Design Series

BIG NEWS! New card stock upgrade to 305gsm black core and cheaper bulk order pricing!

Ever since we started The Game Crafter we’ve always been marching toward better and better quality. We’re steadily improving our technology, our processes, and every aspect of our products. Today we’re announcing two huge advancements along those lines.

Semi-Finalists Announced for Killer Gamer's Remorse Challenge

The Game Crafter is pleased to announce that the semi-finalist games have been announced for the Killer Gamer's Remorse Challenge!

The objective of this game design contest:

"A player elimination game that is implemented in such a way that it is still fun. Maybe it is a quick game like love letter. Maybe it is a longer game but the eliminated players still have a role to play like in werewolf via the "ghost writer" ability. Or maybe you finish is off in the most glorious fashion possible, so humorous that we are dying laughing for the next 30 minutes."

For more information about the contest and see a list of semi-finalists, visit:

New Game Editor Released!

The Game Crafter - New Board Game Editor Available!

We’re pleased to announce our new game editor, with many features our community has been asking us for, including:

- Direct to component uploads
- Filename driven upload rules
- Faster proofing
- Faster game creation
- Bulk action shot uploading
- Bulk file replace
- Drag-n-drop component uploads
- Component creation directly from products screen

Beyond just features, there’s a lot of speed here too. You can create an entire deck of cards in just 4 steps, including uploading the images. That used to take 12 steps. You can proof that deck of cards in 1+ the number of cards steps. That used to be 4 steps per card. It’s a huge time saver!

But rather than just tell you about it, we figured we could show you a couple of screen shots. We can't do this on BGDF so please click here to see all of the screenshots and further details about the new game editor at The Game Crafter.

Voting begins in Killer Gamer’s Remorse Challenge

The Game Crafter needs your votes to narrow the list of 30 challengers in the Killer Gamer’s Remorse Challenge. In addition, we received the following manifesto this morning from The Gamer’s Remorse:

A Message from the Denizens of Gamer’s Remorse

Make your own custom meeple stickers!

The Game Crafter - Make your own custom printed meeple stickers

The Game Crafter now allows game designers to create their own custom printed meeple stickers!

Check out our product video at

Ice Cubes


We’re pleased to announce our new game piece: ice cubes! While our wooden cubes are spectacular, sometimes wood just isn’t an appropriate feel for a game. These plastic cubes give a more futuristic sci-fi feel. Enjoy!

Massive improvements to Crowd Sales!

The Game Crafter - Crowd Sales 2.0

The Game Crafter has just released a massive upgrade to the crowd sales system in preparation for releasing it to everyone to use. We’ve completely revamped the layout.

Some of the feedback we got about the original crowd sales system was that the page looked too much like a regular shop page, that it was boring, and/or that it needed to look more like a crowd funding page. We’ve done our best to assimilate all of that feedback and create a new more exciting look. Check it out for yourself and let us know what you think.

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by Dr. Radut