Something I have been kicking around...
To kind of increase exposure to the boardgame companies for new designers that are trying to break in... I was thinking about writing an article or two showcasing new designers and their creations.
I'm taking a short hiatus from writing until some things get worked out... but when I return, this was one of the ideas I was kicking around.
But first, I want to see want the interest is from the people (you guys/gals) who would supply me the fodder to potentially write about the subject?
Is it something this community would be interested in? If so, why and how would it be beneficial? And excluding my own preference biases for a moment, there is also the problem of logistics...
Ryan B.
Some of you may have seen Rick Thornquist's announcement on BGG. Any potential article would reside there, so I would think an aspiring game designer would have an opportunity at some pretty good exposure, perhaps?
But seriously, for all of you new game designers out there, the extent of interest in garnering some press for your creations so far is just one person?
I can certainly look into protospiel, but I have to admit I am cooling on the whole idea at this point.