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Board game cover. Can remember where I saw it? Help

3 replies [Last post]


I saw a good board game cover and I can't no longer find it. The cover looks similar to this

but instead of the blue/white background, it uses a red/white background. But it still has the same look and feel to it. Can anyone point me to the right direction?

Thanks in advance

Board game cover. Can remember where I saw it? Help

oops sorry about the subject....I press submit before accidently.

Board game cover. Can remember where I saw it? Help

While that's a good photoshop, I could find nothing of this game on BGG.

The Boardgamegeek ( would be a better place to search for something like this, but seeing as the sides and front of that box don't match, I think it's just a photoshop.

It is probably the game ...

The only game I can think of with a similar cover (but using red) is Roundabout. It uses red and a light orange.

But there are no images of the cover on BGG.

So try here:

Again, I am not sure if this is what you were looking for but it is the only game I can think of that even comes close...

Best regards,


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