Just so you folks, know: I just got an email from Mike Petty of Fair Play Games that they are ceasing their Independent Design Program. The IDP was a special deal for indie designers to sell games on a consignment basis in their on-line store. It seemed like the game evaluation and the paperwork was a bit too much to take care of. Now, anyone selling independent designs there will have to be sold like all other retail games.
This is not necessarily a bad thing. Mike is an indie designer himself, and has helped with Protospiel in past years. If you've got an independent design you want to sell, I would still talk to Fair Play. Like always, there's no guarantee, but Mike is "one of us" and they may give you a try when others may not.
So, while not necessarily "bad," it is a change.
-- Scott S.
I think that'd be a great idea, as long as you could work out an amenable agreement with the indie designers. Gotta make sure they're reliable, natch. :)