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A Free Abstract Strategy Game

1 reply [Last post]

Hi. This site is a great resource!

I've just finished creating a new abstract strategy game called TriHex. It involves playing triangles to build hexagons. I've decided to give it away for free to anyone who wants to download it and print it out (it only takes two sheets of paper).

The game is available at

I hope you enjoy it. Any feedback is highly appreciated. I would love to know what experienced designers think of it.

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
A Free Abstract Strategy Game

Nice Site.

The image of your game would not load in the store. I never buy anything that i cant have a look at and i imagine that is true for many others.

I have not had a chance to play TriHex yet, if i find the time and another player or two i'll let you know.

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