Okay, well, it seems my dreams may become realized. A friend of mine is in the army, over in Iraq (I promise, this is on topic). Needless to say, he is making some nice money. He also happens to be a VP in my company, Phoenix Concepts. He has given the green light and says that whatever product I decide to produce first, he will front the cash to put it on the market. The problem is, I have about a dozen or so finished and nearly finished products. I primarily deal with RPG's, but also card games, board games, strategy games, etc. (I just love gaming).
So, I suppose you could consider this my market research. What type of game would you like to see as the pilot project for Phoenix Concepts? No specific ideas (I cant's deal with liability stuff), but do we need more RPGs? RISK-esque Games? Card Games? Empire MicroManagement? What's your favorites and why? The sky is pretty much the limit.
Thanks for any input.
Thanks, this is just the feedback I was looking for. I do plan on putting some cash into marketing, but probably not much more than a few color ads in some of the popular magazines.
For whatever reason, my brain has been on a kick for designing tile based games. More replay value I suppose, and it prevents people from using the same, "sure-fire" strategy every time. Still, these are difficult to design effectively and more costly to produce than I'd like.
As for the niche I would go for (as these are obviously the most fulfilling to produce) I'm not sure. I would personally like to see more sci fi games on the market involving strategy. Also, I really enjoy working with that style. Unfortunately, when I work with sci-fi (especially strategy) my brain seems to spit out about forty ideas too many and the game gets bogged.
So, perhaps a simplified strategy sci-fi. If its simple enough, non-gamers may check it out. However, if I can put enough tactics and dark theme into it (without going overboard) it may also hit a niche market. Well, still thinking. Who knows, the way I work, I'll wanna make some cartoony, goofy game tomorrow.
Keep the feedback coming. This is great advice.