I was watching The Grass is Greener the other day w/ Cary Grant and Robert Mitchum and there's a scene where one of the characters kicks over a Scrabble board. This got me thinking of other movies that have board games used in their scenes. Scrabble makes another appearance in Sneakers (w/ Robert Redford), Monopoly (the British ed.) makes an appearance in the movie version of Patriot Games. Other than games like poker, bridge, and other common card games, what other movies can anybody think of that have a board game in a scene or take a 'lead' role, like the Scrabble board in Sneakers?
Just a curiosity - and shows how off tangent my mind can get at times. :D
- Geoff
There was a Magic: The Gathering poster prominently displayed on the wall of Peter Parker's (Spiderman's) room in the Spiderman movie.