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Good free random number generator?

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Hedge-o-Matic's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008

I've tried a number of programs to generate numbers, to aid in calculating odds over a few thousand rolls, but they all fall short. I like to use complex, or opaque die onventions, making the outcomes harder to pre-calculate during play, and playing games with distribution curves and what have you. Is there a good program out there that will allow multiple rolls of complex die formulae, with graphing funtions, perhaps? I'm not really a programmer, and don't want to start a programming project, if I can help it. I also don't want to learn a heavy-duty match program like my wife uses to calculate game odds. Help?

seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Good free random number generator?

I've just found a little freeware that might help, as long as you don't need to combine different sided dice in one roll.

It can simulate rolls of any number (up to 100) of dice of ANY number of faces (up to 100), and automatically calculate the % of chance of the result.

It doesn't do much more than this, though.

You can find it at (download link at the bottom of the page).


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