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Hello all, I'm new!

2 replies [Last post]

Hello everyone here! I stumbled across this fantasic site after another place suggested this. Anyway, I guess I should introduce myself. I came to this great little part of cyberspace because, well, I enjoy making games! I've been making games for awhile, but I'd usually run into problems with the rules or that it wouldn't be fun to play. But, my current game (Marketplace) seems to be turning out quite good! It requires no board; but instead a HUGE amount of little counters. It'll be nice to have a place like this for feedback from other (And much better) game designers.

Joined: 04/23/2013
Welcome Fenrise

Let me invite you to use the search feature in the discussion forums. A lot of times, questions you may have may already have been answered! Also, make sure you check the web resources and download sections of the Community Menu. There is a lot of useful information there.

Once you get your game to a semi finished state (with at least the rules typed up) you can ask Jwarrend to have your game showcased in the Game Design Workshop forum. In the GDW, basically you allow your peers to read over and discuss your game for an entire week. It's probably one of the best features of this site if you have a game that is ready to be reviewed.

At any rate, good luck with your game, enjoy the site, and again, welcome!


Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Re: Hello all, I'm new!

Fenrise wrote:
But, my current game (Marketplace) seems to be turning out quite good! It requires no board; but instead a HUGE amount of little counters.

darkehorse wrote:
Once you get your game to a semi finished state (with at least the rules typed up) you can ask Jwarrend to have your game showcased in the Game Design Workshop forum. In the GDW, basically you allow your peers to read over and discuss your game for an entire week. It's probably one of the best features of this site if you have a game that is ready to be reviewed.

I will heartily second darke's suggestion about GDW-ing your game once it's in a state for that sort of thing. As one participant with a game that had a lot of components, I can assure you that you'll get plenty of good ideas on how to reduce the number of components, if that's something you're looking for help on. ;)



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