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Is heroscape an adult game or is it for a much younger audience? It looks really unique, is there any thing else like it? me and my buddies are getting tired of trivia bored games. Our ages range from 21 to 33. Is heroscape to easy for us? Is there anything like it that anyone can recommend? thanx (V)

Joined: 08/26/2010

While I haven't tried it either I hear that it is a good game. For reviews of games though you might want to check out
they are more into reviewing/talking about published games. Not that folks from here wouldn't help you out, but most of us are more into making our own, than talking about already published games. Hope that helps and good luck finding a game you all like, we're all just kids at heart........

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

From what I have heard, it is not as good as other miniature games. I have not played the game, but I think it has some great potential. The best thing about this game is the Hex system for the landscape.All range calculation and movements does not need a ruler anymore.

Still consider that you will need to invest a lot of money. Miniatures games are generally expensive and you always need more material to play.

Xaqery's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008

My sons and I have played and bought several degrees of miniature like games, from the "real" miniatures like 40K to the other end of the spectrum Heroscape.

Larienna wrote:

Still consider that you will need to invest a lot of money. Miniatures games are generally expensive and you always need more material to play.

This is not as true with Heroscape as it is with more real miniatures. While Heroscape is expandable you get a complete game in the main box. We played it for a long time before we knew it was expandable.

I agree that after you are very familiar with the basic and advanced game you may want to buy a few expansions but at some point you will have critical mass and won’t “have” t to buy any more. Carcasson “requires” more expansions.

Heroscape is fun and building your own 3D boards is fun too. It’s not a terribly deep game and of course like all miniatures it much more tactical than it is strategic. I recommend it if you want to play miniatures and you don’t want to get your hands dirty building / painting your own miniatures or digging through complex tables of stats.

Heroscape is almost a board game. If you want something more Miniatures-like Mageknight is a good game. It has many of the good qualities of Miniatures without some of the “work”. The Wiz-Kids system is fairly clever in that it does a lot of the work for you. Of course now you are getting into more money.

Good Luck!

- Dwight


Thanks for the info.

Joined: 08/28/2008

Je kunt hier ook nog de online demo spelen

cbs42's picture
Joined: 11/08/2008

The main HeroScape community is at:

The game is fairly simple compared to other miniatures games. But therein lies the beauty. You get a miniatures-style gaming fix with very little of the overwhelming complexity, price, and time-suckage.

It's definitely NOT just a kid game. The game includes basic rules (mainly for kids ages 8+) and an advanced ruleset that is primarily for adults. Of the 1600+ members of the HeroScapeHQ fansite, the overwhelming majority of active members are 20-40 years old.

I think it's also important to point out that this is not a "collectible" game like MageKnight or Magic: The Gathering. The additional expansion packs are not hidden "blind" purchases. You only pay for what you're interested in -- and the prices are very cheap for what you get.

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