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holy moly have you seen this? we should all contribute...

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Joined: 12/31/1969

this is great... i was just vegging out following links upon links and came across this .. i think i got to it from WebGrognards.

it's a MASSIVE database of what must be close to every board wargame ever produced and it's getting larger all the time. many of the games do not actually have content with them but you are encouraged to upload the counters as pics for them.

it's really an amazing endeavor.

if you have any that they do not have you should upload it to them.

Joined: 12/31/1969
holy moly have you seen this? we should all contribute...

And just in case you're not aware of it, you should most definitely check out the Board Game Geek as well, a truly excellent database of boardgames and card games, with all kinds of great ways to look at the information. BoardGameGeek has more than twice as many games as iSimulacrum, but they have different information and a lot of games that don't overlap, so they're both great resources.

-- Matthew

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