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Introduction & question for old game

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I'm an amateur designer or at least I used to be 10 years ago. Now I'm desperately searching for an old board game that I used to play around 15 years ago which the name I cannot remember.
There were two sides: "the barbarians" and "the knights" and each side had castle buildings and built a protective wall around the castle buildings. Each side had "catapults" and "battle arrows" all of which operated with rubber bands and threw rounded pieces which had faces of soldiers on them. The castle buildings had some certain points like doors etc and if you hit on them with a rounded piece the whole building was shaking and the soldiers on it fell down.

Please help me find the name of this war board game. Thank you in advance.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Wild guess

I think the game you are talking about is "Siege" It was released a few years after "battle master" which was released after "Hero Quest". I have barely seen this game, I know that it was targeted for a lower age kids.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Introduction & question for old game

It might be Weapons & Warriors (which may be the same game as Siege):

However, it's only about 12 years old, so it might not be what you're looking for.

Introduction & question for old game

Yes! That's almost it! In fact when I saw Weapons & Warriors I remembered that the game was called "Crossbows and Catapults" Thank you!!! :-D

Joined: 12/31/1969
Introduction & question for old game

Ah, excellent! Some good pictures on the 'geek:

Introduction & question for old game

Apart from Ebay do you know any other place someone can buy this (kind of) game?

Introduction & question for old game
Introduction & question for old game

God I remember having that game, fun stuff, think I pissed my mom off with all the peices and projectiles though.


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