I'm not sure how to write this post without potentially coming across as an a--hole.
A few days ago in the Game Production board in response to a request for some help finding a game box designer, I offered to provide a name and number for a designer I've had contact with. I asked that if anyone were interested, they should send me a private message because I didn't want to post other people's phone numbers and such on the forum.
A few people responded to my offer, which I think is great. I'm more than happy to pass around info that someone might find useful. I've certainly benefited from the discussions that take place in the BGDF and hopefully the few posts I contribute aide in other's efforts. What I take exception to however, in the context of a private message, is the practice of not identifying yourself in any manner other than a userID. It doesn't bother me that 90% of the people on the BGDF use various pseudonyms to identify themselves in the discussion boards. Personally I like seeing a person's location and knowing first names and such. And for a vast majority of the people that post on a regular basis there's usually some combination of user info available if you're interested in looking for it. But if people aren't comfortable for whatever reason offering such info, so be it. When someone sends me a private message however looking for a referral or specific info, I think it's only common courtesy to let a person know who you are (at least provide a first name in closing). It will be my reputation on the line when the name, phone number, or e-mail address I've provided ultimately gets used. The particular e-mail in question that irked me a little bit was one that only asked for the info I offered. No salutation, no signature, nothing. It wasn't mean spirited and the person sending it probably didn't think twice about it, but basically it said, "I'm interested in your info, please send it to me." In a situation like this, knowing absolutely nothing about the person to whom I'm passing the info, I'm not inclined to provide it.
If you still want the info, send me another message.
Just looking at other possibilities, but could there be a language barrier at play? I've seen numerous folks from across the pond in the UK (two people separated by a common language), but it wouldn't surprise me if there are a few folks for whom maybe English isn't their primary language. That may not be the case whatsoever here, but I thought I'd offer it up as food for thought.
I agree with your position, however. If you want information from me, at least provide some in return.