I just realized that I might not be using the Journal feature the way it
Journal Usage Theory
Fri, 04/04/2003 - 23:21
Wed, 03/26/2003 - 11:48
Journal Usage Theory
Well. there
Wed, 03/26/2003 - 15:47
Journal Usage Theory
Hpox and I were discussing the sorting of the journals last week. I ascertained they were sorted first by ascending year, then by descending month and descending day. It is my honest opinion that all the entries are dumped into a hat and then sorted by removing one after another randomly.
Go figure.
Thu, 03/27/2003 - 04:46
Journal Usage Theory
The crazy journals...
By the way, I like what you are doing with the journals FastLearner, It
Fri, 04/04/2003 - 23:21
Journal Usage Theory
I don
I went ahead and coelesced my entries about my doomed civ game into one -- it was beginning to feel like I was dominating the Journal area with 7 nearly-identically-named entries! :)
BTW, how are the entries sorted? It doesn