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New abstractionist

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spielstein's picture
Joined: 07/20/2009

i've just joined this very nice place. Finally - a game site for board games! Searching for games on the net usually ends up at those 3d shooters :roll:
so, i'm looking forward to talk about what's behind real gaming. You should know, i am an abstract guy. Any idea that comes into my mind is abstract at first - and remains so. Well, a huge problem if it comes to marketing ... but i don't mind, you get used to. :wink:

See you
Dieter Spielstein Stein

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
New abstractionist

Welcome to the group. I too am in the minority as i focus my last two years almost entirely on creating abstract games. I know what you mean about the market for these sort of games. You have to chose if your going to leave them naked or paint a theme over the top of them in an attempt to draw attention to the game.

P.S. You have a very nice web site.

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
New abstractionist

Welcome spielstein! :) Nice to have you here.


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