Hello All,
Another new user here checking in. Actually I've been following the goings on here for a few months since discovering the site, just waiting for the perfect moment to interject with a most impressive quip, but I decided I should quit waiting for the perfect moment and just get plugged in.
So, by way of introduction, I, like many of you, have been playing games for a long time and over that time I have intermittently toyed with designing new games. Over the past two years I have invested a bit more time in these sorts of endeavors and am currently looking at options for self-producing one of my designs. Thanks to the contagious excitement of this community, I'm pressing forward a little more actively now. Also thanks to this site, I've been at less than my usual productivity levels at work. Going to need a little self discipline there.
Also in my spare time, much for the amusement of others, I maintain one of the many online collections of alternate uno rules. Don't let this color your expectations of what sort of games I've actually designed, you all will be the first ones to know when I get over the "don't steal my game" paranoia.
Regardless, it is great to see that there are other people who approach this domain much the same way I do (DavemanUK, I've got two different bathroom tile inpirations I'm working on) ... and it's great to see that the community is broad enough to include people using the word "whilst" (used a total of 10 times on this site, 9 of which by Scurra.. I guess this would make it 11 now). And just because I know some of you are going to search and see that it only comes back 8 results, trust me, two of those actually have multiple uses of the word.
I look forward to participating in the showdowns, contests, workshops and chats(just as soon as I can shift my schedule).
Wait, you mean I've been spelling color wrong all these years! D'Oh.
Well, at least I spell my first name the proper way. :D
- Geoff