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Quiet Boards

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Joined: 12/31/1969

Hey everyone,

The boards are quiet lately. Anybody have any neat projects underway they would like to share?


Joined: 12/31/1969
Quiet Boards

Well, since you asked :)

I am working on a prototyping tool for board game designers. It is a software program (Windows) that simplifies the task of creating boards, so you can concentrate on designing your game.
It's hardly ready for prime-time, but even so, it has a slew of neat features.
* Grids up to 30x50 (great for dungeons)
* include your own graphics
* Randomly generate boards (helps you play with balancing)
If anybody is interested in being notified when the program is ready,
visit and sign up for the free e-zine.

Please note that the site has older pics: the new version pics will be posted once I stop fiddling around with the interface! (I need a cure for perfectionism, since there is no such thing as perfect software.)

Some of the aspects of the project are in my journal.
I probably need to segment the program, get a good basic working version up on the site, then add all the "extras" as free upgrades.
Any suggestions on that are most welcome.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Quiet Boards

That's wicked Mitch.

Are you going to sell it, or is it freeware? I'm suggesting Freeware because I want to use it and not have to pay for it. I'll give you a free copy of every game I design with it though.

Let us know when it is ready!


Joined: 12/31/1969
Quiet Boards

I plan to sell it, but the free version would be usable, too. I guess the paid version would include advanced stuff that only 20% of users would want.
If you visit my website and join the mailing list, you'll be sure to be notified when it is ready.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Quiet Boards

The boards are quiet lately. Anybody have any neat projects underway they would like to share?

It's normal, the vacations are over, which mean less free time (^_^).

But that's OK for now, it takes less time to read and answer the threads.

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