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Seeking GAMA info

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Does anybody have any experience with GAMA (The Game Manufacturers Association - I'm wondering if the membership is worth the expense.

- Geoff

Joined: 07/31/2008
Seeking GAMA info

I was a member in the mid 80's. Even though I never published anything, I still think their yearly conventions were worth the price of membership just for what could be learned there at the seminars and such.

It's also the place to make contacts in the industry, if you ask me. At the time it was where the Retailers made their big orders for the coming Christmas season. (Yes, in March!) I believe that's still the case.

A Communicating Membership is only $50, and since travel to Las Vegas is easy for us who live in Southern California, I'd planned on rejoining so I could make it to the next show. (Thanks for reminding me.)

IDEA!: Those of us who do join should organize a BGDF convention-within-a-convention while we're there! (We'd have to do that off-site of course, I'm sure. Maybe in one of our rooms at the hotel where they have GAMA.) It would be great to meet some of you guys IRL and be able to see the faces that are currently behind the on-line monikers. How about if everyone who's interested signs up on this thread?

To sum it up: It's definitely worth joining if you can make it to the convention whether you're publishing or not. (IMO)

Let me know about the meet-up idea.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Seeking GAMA info

I attended GAMA last year and it was excellent. I look forward to attending this year as well, though I'm not 100% certain yet.

-- Matthew

Seeking GAMA info

We didn't get off of our duffs in time to attend this year... but it is a 'must-do' if your planning on any type of professional involvement in the game industry, whether that is as a freelancer, or as a company (or a store-owner or distributor for that matter). There is more information packed into those four days than I can possibly describe, and the networking potential is infinite.

GAMA, as an organization, I would only frecommend if your trying to start a games company... in which case I WOULD recommend it... the dues are minimal for the resources provided.

I would also highly recommend the GPA (Game Publishers Association).

Seeking GAMA info

Thanks for the info. I have heard plenty of publishers I work with refer to GAMA, and I've looked into it before, so this positive input definitely helps in making a decision.

- Geoff

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