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Suggestion to make the front page just a tad more user frien

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sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

I really, REALLY like the easy-access to recent posts on the front page. It

Joined: 12/31/1969
Suggestion to make the front page just a tad more user frien

I agree. I

Joined: 12/31/1969
Suggestion to make the front page just a tad more user frien

Another little thingy that bugs me. When I click on a thread I

Joined: 12/31/1969
Suggestion to make the front page just a tad more user frien

Yet another thing...

As the deadline for the contest has passed, perhaps it is a good idea to (re)move the link to the contest guidelines on the top of page OR update its contents?

Joined: 04/23/2013
Suggestion to make the front page just a tad more user frien


I am in the process of upgrading to the latest software even as I write this.. Hopefully it will be finished by sometime tomorrow... Please hold off on your suggestions until we can see how the new software works... Some or all of these things may be addressed by the new software so please be patient!


Suggestion to make the front page just a tad more user frien

Not quite for the front page - but I think it would be sweet if you could list the location of members on the members list page (maybe even a sort by country function)... as I am curious as to how many members are from the land of Oz (and how they have managed prototype production given that most of the download links for tokens, spinner etcs are to organisations in countries far far away....but that is for another section!)

Joined: 04/23/2013
Suggestion to make the front page just a tad more user frien


We are working on a game designers database, where you can look up other designers who might be in your area. You could use this to network with people from Australia to gather the information you are seeking.

Until that it gets done however, I suggest you send Donb a private message. He is from Australia and he recently self published his game Sunda to Sahul...


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