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"<BR>" Tags needed

6 replies [Last post]

In my browser at least, "..." found in the journal entry source viewed w/ the "<>" button does not, in fact, create a new paragraph. It has no effect. In order for much of my last entry to make sense, lines of information needed to be separate. To paste "" repeatedly in HTML view was a bit of a nuisance. Is there a way around this?

Joined: 04/23/2013

If you are using the WYSIWYG editor (IE 5.5 or higher) then pressing SHIFT ENTER will get you a carriage return. Otherwise in 'HTML' mode, precede the line with TWO 's; I.E. .

Hope that helps,

Re: Tips

Darkehorse wrote:
If you are using the WYSIWYG editor (IE 5.5 or higher) then pressing SHIFT ENTER will get you a carriage return. Otherwise in 'HTML' mode, precede the line with TWO 's; I.E. .

Hope that helps,

Two WHAT's? Could you spell it or give me an ....
o i c, ha ha "<'BR>"
When you type HTML it only shows up in reply/edit in forums unless it is in quotes. K i will try [SHIFT][ENTER]

EDIT: No quotes dont matter, you have to bork the tag to not count it as HTML.

Joined: 12/31/1969
"<BR>" Tags needed


Joined: 12/31/1969
"<BR>" Tags needed

I fixed the journals so that < P > tags are now accepted. Hopefully this won't have broken anything else. :)

"<BR>" Tags needed

FastLearner wrote:
I fixed the journals so that < P > tags are now accepted. Hopefully this won't have broken anything else. :)

w00t, tnx

I came back to my journal and all had the proper spacing.

Joined: 12/31/1969
"<BR>" Tags needed

Yes! Whatever you did, it fixed my journal entries too. :D

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