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What do you read on these forums?

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Joined: 12/31/1969

What do people read most on these forums?

Game reviews, or design stuff, or the general comments?

Does the title of the thread ever entice you click and read it?

I'm fairly bored right now and need something to read.

Love you,


Joined: 07/31/2008
What do you read on these forums?


I tend to focus on Game Design, with a bit on Playtesting and Publication. I would sorely like to spend more time on the Game Design Workshop.


Joined: 12/31/1969
What do you read on these forums?

Typically I browse the most-recently-added-to threads that are shown on the site's Home page. I like to stay current, y'dig?

If I haven't been on the site for a few days (as is the case right now) I generally focus on the Game Design forum... it holds my most specific interest, and I feel like I have the most to offer advicewise in that department.


Joined: 12/31/1969
What do you read on these forums?

I check the most recent posts of threads that I'm following, since the e-mail notification seems to be broken.

There are a few people whose comments are always worth reading, so if I see that they posted something, I read it.
This is where Firefox shines: I simply open each link in a new tab.
At the office, we use IE and the best I can do is open in a new window.

My favorite forums are Game Design and Game Design Showdown.


larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
What do you read on these forums?

I first check the last 10 post. Then I check the forum. My favorite forums are Game design and Topic in game design. I never check game showdown or game design workshop.

The title is a good indication and it generally summerise correctly the content. I don't read also the recent journal entries.

On my point of view, information is OK but too much info is not better. If the forum slow down, well OK it does not mean it is dead. Come less often( twice a week ) and spend more time on your game, or any other activities you have.

And if you desperatly want to read something, well check the archives, I am sure that there is a lot of stuff there.

Joined: 12/31/1969
What do you read on these forums?

I read anything with an interesting thread title. I don't really care what forum it's in. I browse the main list on the front page and then work my way into the forums.

Very fun to read when there's lots of stuff.

We should have a debate about something. What about putting some game designing articles on the main page. I'm sure there's somebody here who would like to write an article. Like, think of all the creative people on these boards and not a single one of them writes articles. In fact, we should have a list of weekly articles. I'm willing to write one. My article is going to explore existing games and what design aspects make them a good game. I'll start it in two weeks from today. Therefore, I claim Friday! What do you think Darke? If I wrote an article, would you put it on the front page? I'd like to start on October 22 and run it for one month just to see how it works. Does anybody else have any comments or suggestions? I'd love to hear them,


Joined: 08/03/2008
What do you read on these forums?

I recommend looking at the "Topics in Game Design" forum; it has, of all the forums, probably the highest bandwidth of interesting posts, because it contains only "academic" discussion of game design, and zero posts about how to copyright games. In addition to an interesting read, you might also find it to be a good place to post more theoretical posts, such as the one you've suggested (there's been some discussion of game design case studies in the past). I think that that forum is a more appropriate place for such discussion than the front page of the site, but that's just my opinion.

What I think you'll find, as I found in trying to start the TiGD, is that a weekly series is nearly impossible to maintain, but that's not necessarily a bad thing; adopting a relaxed pace, the forum still accumulates good content over time. For that reason, I'd emphasize quality over frequency. The forum is open to anyone who has something interesting and moderately substantive to say!


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