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When are the chats?

3 replies [Last post]

OK... idiot here trying to get back up to speed...

When are the regular chats..? (and bear in mind that giving me the wrong time will ensure that I don't stick my nose in the door for those who object to my personal hygeine habits and general lack of good taste).

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
When are the chats?

Monday: 8.30pm EST
Wednesday: 7.30pm EST
and hopefully Thursday: 8pm GMT (which is, what, 3pm EST? I've never been able to get my head round US timezones.)

But I'm sure Darke or someone will be along to correct me :)

Joined: 04/23/2013
No way!

Scurra wrote:
Monday: 8.30pm EST
Wednesday: 7.30pm EST
and hopefully Thursday: 8pm GMT (which is, what, 3pm EST? I've never been able to get my head round US timezones.)

But I'm sure Darke or someone will be along to correct me :)

Nope... 100% correct on all accounts.. Even the Eastern Time zone conversion.


When are the chats?

Dang... I missed today's... blasted Star Trek Marathon....

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