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where to post - help with game development

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I have a 2D board game I am writing in C# (.NET).

If I am looking for people to help me with the development...where should I post?

Thank you,


Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
where to post - help with game development

I'd recommend The Game Programming Wiki:

There is a community forum there and lots of tutorials (although they may be light in C#-specific code).


Thanks for the link....

Thanks for the link...but what I meant was...where should I post in the BGDF forums (on THIS site)?

Joined: 04/23/2013
Re: Thanks for the link....

BalRog wrote:
Thanks for the link...but what I meant was...where should I post in the BGDF forums (on THIS site)?

Well basically this site is for BOARD GAME development, not computer game development which is why Brykovian gave you the offsite link. Now I understand you are creating a board game to be played on the computer, which is fine. You can discuss the actual board game elements of that design in the game design forum.

Good luck!
-Darkehorse (Founder of the BGDF)

game design

So as long as I stick to elements of the game that are focused on game play, game rules, etc. (no source code questions) then that would be okay here?

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Re: game design

BalRog wrote:
So as long as I stick to elements of the game that are focused on game play, game rules, etc. (no source code questions) then that would be okay here?

Definitely! 8) I've done that very thing and can vouch that it's a very helpful and accomodating crowd. ;)

Also, the folks at the other link have a very similar approach for the computer-programming side of games. Between the two, I figure you should gain a lot of valuable info.



Sounds good...thanks again.


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