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Anyone keen for a pbem Diplomacy game?

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Nestalawe's picture
Joined: 08/07/2008

Hey ya'll,

Myself and two or three others are keen to get a game of Diplomacy up and running. Either adjudicated by one of us using an adjudicator program, or through a website.

We have played quite a few other pbem games together in the past, and turns are run efficiently and kept up to speed.

Anyway, we need a total of 7 players, so are looking for 3-4 to join us. Doesn't matter so much if you havent played Diplomacy before (I haven't!) as long as you are keen and willing/able to stick it out till the end without dropping out. Also as long as you don't mind a lot of plotting and backstabbing ;) Not saying I'm a backstabber, in fact I am a very trustworthy ally...

PM me if you are interested, first come, first, ah, served!



Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
Re: Anyone keen for a pbem Diplomacy game?

Nestalawe wrote:
Doesn't matter so much if you havent played Diplomacy before (I haven't!)
Yeah, and I have this bridge you might be interested in buying...

My only issue with pbem Dip is that you lose some of that face-to-face atmosphere - it's a load easier to negotiate with someone without any of those irritating "hell, yes I'm lying" giveaways :-) (Let me put it this way - the only games of Dip I've ever won have been pbem ones!)

Nestalawe's picture
Joined: 08/07/2008
Re: Anyone keen for a pbem Diplomacy game?

Scurra wrote:
Nestalawe wrote:
Doesn't matter so much if you havent played Diplomacy before (I haven't!)
Yeah, and I have this bridge you might be interested in buying...

My only issue with pbem Dip is that you lose some of that face-to-face atmosphere - it's a load easier to negotiate with someone without any of those irritating "hell, yes I'm lying" giveaways :-) (Let me put it this way - the only games of Dip I've ever won have been pbem ones!)

Heh heh, yeah face-to-face would be better, a very different beast ;) But the other guys I will be playing with are back in NZ ;)

I've played enough other pbem games to have grown used to the style of diplomacy needed over the net though, which can be interesting in itself...

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