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Think Big

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larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

I have heard that they recently made a huge puzzle.

People always try to make big things and some of them even try to break records.

I have seen the biggest pizza, submarine, sand castle, lego structure, etc.

But is there somebody who ever attempted the biggest ... board game?

Biggest board agme could mean either :

- A large normal game to play with 50 players or a chess board which is 100x100 with 10 times more pieces.


- a live size board game. Where the player are the same size than the pawn.

Personally, I prefer the second option. I already tought of a game design which will look much like a classic board race. Probably something like "Mario Party" ( move around, do some mini games, earn cash ) but there would be only 1 lap. The first to finish the board lap wins.

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Think Big

At last years GenCON Indy, someone had the largest physical (40 foot by 50 foot board or something like that) boardgame on display. I cant seem to find any info about it, but I will keep looking and post if I find anything.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Think Big
Joined: 12/31/1969
Think Big

I tried to attemt the most number of original hand made Chess pieces.

I was aiming for 500, I stopped at around 300+
because I realized that it was all about being formulaic rather
than creative.

big games

I once saw a live size Monopoly game in which people would walk all around a square and roll dice as big as a piece of furniture and buy real shops (they wouldn't really buy them, only in the game).

I and my sister also played Snakes and Ladders live size in a staircase.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Think Big

At the 2004 Chicago Int'l Toy Fair they attempted to get going the largest game of Twister ever. They had strung together many, many, many regular Twister boards to create this giant playing surface on Navy Pier. I don't know if they broke any records or how it ultimately turned out. I saw them setting it up but had to leave before I actually got to see it being played.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Think Big

Zzzzz wrote:
At last years GenCON Indy, someone had the largest physical (40 foot by 50 foot board or something like that) boardgame on display. I cant seem to find any info about it, but I will keep looking and post if I find anything.

It was an Axis & Allies board, and it was frekin huge.

I saw a game of Robo Rally played at 98' Origins with 24" robot tokens.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Think Big

Years ago over in europe there was a tour I when on and we watched a live chess game being played and all the pieces was real people dress as the chess pieces. It was pretty cool, I can't remember if they had people for back-up, they had to stand for a long-long time. Each space had to be 3x3 feet, so that's a pretty big board. ah the good old navy days. KD

Joined: 12/31/1969
Think Big

They did a macroture Ogre/GEV game at DragonCon one year.

I guess it depends on how you want to define "board", though.

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