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Website Help?

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Does anyone know where I would be able to upload pictures of my game and a rule set so I can be able to direct people to the site or link which they can see for themselves????

I would just get a domain but then again I would be stuck with HOW do I build it?????

If anyone knows of some help for me to do this I woudlappreciate the help as I am not too techie minded anyways so keep it SIMPLE....they dont call me simon for nothing here.



seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Website Help?

The cheapest and more easy solution would be to get an account at Geocities or Tripod, or some site like that. You can just use the long address they will give you, or buy a domain with a company that offers free domain pointers ( is a cheap one), if you want a more personal feel to your links.

Or, if it is just for the BGDF, you can use the MyUploads link under Your Account.


doho123's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Website Help?

If you are looking just for places to host images, there are many; do a serch for "image hosting." The one I mainly use when I need to show people some images is tinypic.

Also, another place to go for webspace if you are looking for text kind of things, would be a free blog site, such as (which interfaces niceley with a downloadable program called Semagic) or (which interfaces nicely with Hello and Picassa). Blogger/Hello/Picassa are all owned by Google.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Website Help?

"Does anyone know where I would be able to upload pictures of my game and a rule set so I can be able to direct people to the site or link which they can see for themselves???? "

This is the same question for me about three months ago. Then my friend, the Fat Boy teach me alittle how to build a site in Geocities (and it's free), then my site was born.
You can learn a lot in Geocities ,how to upload image, etc, there's a lot of tutorial to learn there, and I think you will be able to build a basic site in no time.
Until now, I learn new technics everyday (how to put the text beside a picture, etc) :)

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Website Help?

To have a website, you need to have a computer connected on the internet that offer the http service. The you build your website on this computer. There are many ways to achieve this goal.

If you have a permanent internet connection, you can build you own server and make your webpage on it, but you won't have any domain name ( you will use the IP address). Of course you must know something about computers to install the server. Microsoft has made a userfriendly server caller IIS, but it is far the most secure, performant and free server available. I suggest Apache on linux.

If you know a friend how has a server on the web or if you have an account on a server at work, school or on another that allows their user to make their personal web page then you can make your website there.

Now if you want, there are some companies/organisation that hook their server on the net and they sell/give some part of their hardrive. You you pay/get a certain amount of web space and a certain amount of bandwith. The web sites like geocities and tripod are giving some free web space, in exchange, they generally force you to place some of their advertisement on your website.

So the choice is yours according to what you have access.

Now for making the website itself, if you want to make a simple non-dynamic page, you generaly need to use HTML. There are many tool out there that allows you to generate html pages (even Word can save in html). Some website like geocities have their own editing tool directly on the web.

HTML is easy to learn and you do not need any programming knowledge since there is no algorithmy. If you want to make some dynamic web site, for example this forum is a dynamic website, then I strongly suggest PHP, but you need also to learn HTML and have some programming knowlege.

There is also another language called XML. It is supposed to be more powerfull than HTML, but I have not tried to learn it. I can do everything I want with PHP and HTML so I am happy.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Website Help?

Sorry for reviving the old thread, but I have helped my friend built his server in his own home network and just want to share additional information.

It is completely possible to create your own web server at home if you have the following elements with you :

1 extra computer, which will always work.
1 router
Permanenet internet connection (cable or Dsl is OK )
Have some computer knowledge.

( you can place the server on your personal computer so that you won`t need an extra computer and a router, but it is still not a good idea. )

1-You install your server computer with all the hardware and network services ( strongly suggest linux )

2-You redirect your ports for http, ftp and ssh (80,20,21,22) to your server by changing the config in your router. This will allow you to access the server even if your provider gives you only one IP address.

3-Check if your provider block some ports. For examples, some provider blocks 80, so you will need to use another port like 8080 or 8000 as your http port and specify the port in the url like this : This will also mean that search engine lie Google won`t be able to scan your server since they only scan port 80.

4-Finally, you cannot use your IP address as an URl since the provider will reguraly change your IP. So you go to a dynamic DNS changer like You register your DNS and you install a small software on your computer that will upload regurally your new IP. This mean that at the same time you get a DNS the looks like : "" which is not too much ugly.

So you get a server running at home with a domain name. Wonderful!

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Website Help?


Another *simple* option,

Use Blogger, via google.

It will allow you to create a blog, and upload image files. So I would just blog your rules as text, and include your iamges.

I think they allow you to have something like 300mb of space. So it might work for you.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Website Help?

Larienna wrote:
It is completely possible to create your own web server at home if you have the following elements with you :

I would strongly recommend adding a firewall (hardware, software, or both) to this list. Any long-term connection to the web becomes a target for hackers. If you establish a web server without first taking proper security precautions, someone will hijack your computer. It's not a matter of 'if', but a question of 'when'.

I know -- it happened to me. :)


larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Website Help?

In our case, we made a firewall that runs on the server and only protect the server itself.

Else, you can have a fire wall for your whole network, but your firewall computer must be between the network and the internet connection. Which mean that you generally need 2 network cards on the same computer to make the bridge between internet and your network.

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